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"Cab for Amy Pond?" The Doctor says as the three of them run into the girls again. Belle lets out a small scream.


They run some more. Belle is getting out of breath but when she sees Amy she is surprisingly thankful. She sees how scared the woman was.

A girl is also with her.

"Rory," Amy says as she sees him.

"Amy," Rory breathes. Belle watches as the woman quickly tries to get them to safety. The Doctor grabs Belle's hand.

"Quickly, through here."


"They're not vampires," Amy tells them. Belle lets out a sigh.

"Oh thank god," Belle breathed. "I was hoping Edward Cullen wouldn't be here."

"What?" The Doctor asks.

"I saw them. I saw her. They're not vampires, they're aliens. And you're talking again, Izzy?"

The Doctor sonics the trap door hatch.

"Classic," the Doctor says happily.

"That's good news? What is wrong with you people? I think I'm starting to like Belle more than you," Rory says. Belle gives a soft smile.

"Come on, Rory. Belle, Move," says the Doctor.

The girls and a man catch up to them, but are held back by the UV light. He sends the girls ahead of him.

"Keep moving. Come on, guys," the Doctor says as they're rushing to get away from those monsters.


"Quickly, quickly. Get out. Quick. Quick," the woman who was helping them tried getting them out the door, but the woman  recoils as the sunlight touches her skin.

"Come on. Run," the Doctor tries to get her to come.

"I can't," she struggles and goes back inside. She shuts the door. Belle's heart drops.

The Doctor touches the metal on it, and gets an electric shock. Belle gasps and tries to help the Doctor by getting her arm underneath him. Amy and Rory try to come over.

"Izzy, is he dead?"

"No, he's breathing," Rory tells her as Belle touches the Doctor's chest. She kisses his forehead as tears flow down her cheeks.

"Amy," Belle looks up at her, her voice cracking, "I forgive you. But please don't do that again."

Amy nods. She wants to hug Belle but she has the Doctor in her arms. "Thank you for forgiving me," says the Scottish woman.


The Doctor finally woke up and went to interrogate Rosanna. He came back and was already checking Amy's wounds. The Doctor went over to Belle. She hugged him.

"I forgave Amy and now I forgive you," she whispers to him. He gives a giant smile and a passionate kiss. Rory groans from afar. Amy chews on something the Doctor had given her.

"You're stopping me from thinking," he told Belle. "That's bad, woman. Argh. I need to think. Come on, brain. Think, think, think. Think."

"If they're fish people, it explains why they hate the sun," Amy says.

"Stop talking. Brain thinking. Hush," The Doctor shushes her by putting a hand on her mouth.

"It's the school thing I don't understand," Rory says. The Doctor puts a hand on his mouth.

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