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"Amy, show Belle where her room is," the Doctor says as they enter the TARDIS. Belle turns around.

"Where my-my—? I only wanted one trip," Belle stutters.

"Nope! You're staying. For a while, actually," the Doctor says. The TARDIS makes a noise. He looks up.

"Shut up," he tells the TARDIS. The TARDIS fights back. "Why don't you show her the way to her room with Amy?"

The TARDIS gives a cold breeze. Belle looks at the Doctor. "Does it not like me?"

"She," the Doctor corrects her. "She. Not 'it'."

Belle rolls her eyes. Amy starts to pull Belle and she leads her way through the TARDIS.


Belle, Amy, and the Doctor just returned to the TARDIS after walking around a museum. The Doctor found something important. There had been someone who wrote him a message.

"Why are we doing this?" Belle asks as he's pulling levers and pushing buttons on the TARDIS console.

"Because someone on a spaceship twelve thousand years ago is trying to attract my attention. Let's see if we can get the security playback working."


The Doctor tells Belle to open the doors to the TARDIS once it arrives where they need to be. She opens it, only to reveal a galaxy. And two people came after her, only by force. She screams as the Doctor runs towards her to catch the second person who came flying in. They all land on the floor with a thud.

"Thanks for the catch, Doctor!" a brunette says happily as she tries to get off him. The Doctor gives a nervous laugh. "Ave? River?"

"Who are you?" Belle asks as she sees River smiling at her.

"Hello sweetie," River says. "I guess we haven't met yet, have we?"

"That's Izzy?" Ave asks, pointing at Belle.

"Hey, Izzy's my nickname for her," Amy tells Ave.

"Follow that ship!" River tells the Doctor as he's up now. They rush towards the console. Ave helps Belle up and closes the TARDIS doors.

"I told River I didn't want to jump into outer space," she tells Belle. "Not without a spacesuit, but here we are."

She huffs, cleaning herself off. Belle cleans up after herself, too.

"Anything else you want to tell us, Doctor?" Belle asks as she goes over to Amy. "How do you know these women?"

"Long story–"

"They've gone into warp drive. We're losing them. Stay close," River interrupts them, making Belle frown. Ave reaches a hand out to shake Belle's. She's hesitant.

"I'm trying," The Doctor says as he keeps glancing over to Belle.

"Use the stabilizers," says River.

"There aren't any stabilizers," he states.

"The blue switches," River adds.

"I don't get involved in that. My father tells me I'm just like mother with that sort of stuff," Ave tells Belle as they let go shaking hands. "Ave Song. That's my sister, River Song."

"Isabelle," she tells her. "Isabelle Dunne."

The TARDIS suddenly stops rumbling. "See?" River says as everyone notices it.

"Yeah. Well, it's just boring now, isn't it? They're boring-ers. They're blue boring-ers," the Doctor says.

"Doctor, how come she can fly the TARDIS?" Amy asks. Ave watches Belle nod.

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