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"So where are we going?" Belle asks as she enters the TARDIS. She pauses as she notices how different it is. The Doctor smirks as he sees her reaction.

"What?" Amelia Pond asks as she sees Belle pause, looking around.

"It's... different," she says as she notices the edge of the swimming pool as the wall.

"Different? He just changed it, didn't he? Doctor?"

The Doctor smiles and kisses Belle's cheek, making her blush in embarrassment. Amy frowns.

"Is this your Belle you were talking about?" She asks. Belle notices the Scottish accent.

"You're Scottish," Belle points out.

"And you're English," Amy points out.

"And I'm a time lord!" The Doctor says. "Amelia Pond, Isabelle Dunne. Belle, Amy."

"Belle only to friends," Belle adds. "Though I have a feeling we're going to be the best of friends."

This makes Amy smile. Belle reaches out her arms and hugs her.

"Easier than I expected. Okay!" The Doctor pulls the levers on the console. The ship gives a soft 'hum' as the two girls pull away.

"Should I ask...?" Belle leans to Amy.

"We're visiting the prime minister," Amy smiles. Belle raises her eyebrows.

"And that prime minister is...?"

"Is...." Belle dragged out, wanting him to finish. He wanted to test her to see if she knew.

"Uh..." she looks at Amy who's silent.

"Harriet Jones...?"

"No!" He cringed.

"Harold Saxon? Though I don't remember what happened to him..."

The Doctor cringed. "Long story. Anyway, it's..."

"Oh! Winston Churchill?" Belle asked, perking up.

The Doctor nods. "Brilliant! But we'll still need to work on some of that history of yours."

"I'm from the current year twenty thirty," Belle exclaimed. "Not two thousand six! Though I was born a year before!"

"So you're twenty five?" Amy asked. Belle nodded.

"Has he told you the story of how we met?"

The Doctor put a hand on Belle's lips as she tried to tell Amy how. Amy looks at him with curiosity.

"Why won't you let her say it, Doctor?"

"Long story. Winston Churchill is just outside those doors now."

The Doctor walks out of the TARDIS first, but then turns around to grab Belle's hand. Amy follows behind.

"Amy, Belle," he introduces them, "Winston Churchill."

The man looks up at the Doctor. "Doctor. Is that you?"

"Oh, Winston, my old friend," he says, smiling.

Churchill holds out his hand and beckons.

"Ah, every time."

"What's he after?" Amy asks. Belle's curious too.

"TARDIS key, of course."

"Think of what I could achieve with your remarkable machine, Doctor. The lives that could be saved."

"Ah, doesn't work like that."

"Must I take it by force?"

" I'd like to see you try."

"At ease."

"You rang?" The Doctor asks. Winston looks over at Belle.

"Is this the girlfriend you were picking up on your way?"

"N-N-N-No," the Doctor inches away from Belle as they start walking. Belle rolls her eyes.

"He's not my boyfriend but he did kiss me," Belle teased him, looking at him while holding both her hands. Amy's eyebrows raised.

"He kissed you? Well yeah I saw him kiss you, on the cheek..."

Belle nodded, "on the lips," she said but stopped teasing when she saw the Doctor's facial expression.

"So you've changed your face again," Winston says as the Doctor makes his way back to Belle, grabbing her hand. She squeezed it as their fingers laced together.

"Yeah, well, had a bit of work done. Belle's only seen my last one once before."

"Got it, got it, got it. Cabinet War Rooms, right?" Amy says suddenly.

"Yep. Top secret heart of the War Office, right under London," the Doctor says. Amy then whispers to Belle.

"Sorry for being so late on this, but do you mind if I call you Izzy?" She asked Belle. Belle raised her eyebrows. She never thought of that.

"Of course!" Belle says as Winston comments how the Doctor was late.

"Requisitions, sir,"

"Excellent," Winston smiles.

"Late?" The Doctor frowns.

"I rang you a month ago," Winston says, making Belle laugh. The Doctor's foot slammed on hers. She frowns.

"What?" Winston asks, looking up at them.

"Really? Sorry, sorry. It's a Type Forty TARDIS, it's. I'm just running her in," the Doctor defends himself.

"Something the matter, Breen? You look a little down in the dumps," Winston notices the sad look on the woman's face.

"No, sir. Fine, sir."

"Action this day, Breen. Action this day."

"Yes, sir."

"Excuse me, sir. Got another formation coming in, Prime Minister. Stukas, by the look of them."

"We shall go up top then, Group Captain. We'll give them what for. Coming, Doctor?"

"Why?" He asks. Belle nudges him.

"I have something to show you."

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