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"Hi," he had said like a question, confused at how odd she's acting. Behind him, Martha cleared her throat.

"And this is?" Martha asks the Doctor. He turns to her, pointing at Belle.

"Right. Martha, this is Belle. Belle Dunne. Belle, Martha Jones."

"Isabelle to non-friends, but I think we will be friends so you can call me Belle," Belle says, "it's always been a pet peeve of mine that people don't get my name right."


"Yeah," Belle says as she looks at the Doctor with heart eyes. At that, he barely notices, but squints as she is waiting for something.

"Did spaceman do something to change you in his future?" Donna asks Belle. "Because you're completely insane."

"Hey," Belle complained. "Don't call me out like that. I told you what I was thinking because I trusted you to hold that as a secret."

"Oh fine, but I—" she whispers in Belle's ear. "I better be invited to the wedding."

Belle rolls her eyes, blushing. The Doctor looks around the place, trying to peak in and see Kaden. Belle stops him.

"Woah there space boy," Belle says. "I'm going back in to see Kaden off then I'll be in the TARDIS, okay?"

"Fine. Just five minutes," the Doctor says. Belle goes up on her toes to kiss his cheek, almost forgetting he wasn't his other regeneration. His eyes widen as Donna smirks.

Martha's eyes are wide as well. Belle doesn't notice this as she heads in the house. She just keeps smiling.


It was hard for Belle to say goodbye to Kaden, but she knew she had to stop back some other time because of the Doctor picking up her past self.

Donna and Martha are chatting to the side while the Doctor stands at the console. He looks at Belle with an eyebrow raised. She smiles brightly at him.

"So, what happened with future me that made you all so giddy?" The Doctor says as he's fiddling with the console. Belle shakes her head.

"It's nothing. I just missed you. Can I get a hug?"

The Doctor raises both his eyebrows. "Alright, but — erugh —"

She's already hugging him, but as she is, the TARDIS starts to shake.

"Doctor, I thought you were taking me home now that I met Belle?" Martha asks concerned as she steps over, shaking with the TARDIS. Fear is shown in his eyes.

"What the hell's it doing?" The Doctor asked.

"She!" Belle yelled. The TARDIS was too busy landing to 'hum' in response.

"Not the time, Belle! The control's not working!"

He gets thrown and Belle is thrown on top of him. Their cheeks touching one another's. The Doctor groans.

"I don't know where we're going, but my old hand's very excited about it," the Doctor says.

"Hand?" Belle asks, turning pale.

"I thought that was just some freaky alien thing. You telling me it's yours?" Donna says as Belle starts freaking out again.

"Well," the Doctor says.

"It got cut off. He grew a new one," Martha explains. Belle looks at him.

"You are completely impossible," Donna says. She gives Belle a look.

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