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Jenny had been sent off to go save worlds while the Doctor helped Belle discover who she really is in her new form. Belle started to think that the American accent was nice.

She told the Doctor she wanted to go home for a little bit before they went on another trip with Donna. The Doctor agreed to take her home, but warned her about her new appearance when she saw her brother.

The Doctor had dropped her off, but was still there in case she needed to come back if Kaden didn't accept this new form. She knocks on the door after looking back at him, staring at her. She blushes bright red.

The door opens and it's Kaden. He looks at her, up and down. "Who are you?" He asked. The one question Belle didn't want to hear come from him, especially to her. She didn't realize how fast the tears came to her eyes when he asked that single question.

"... it's me, Belle, Kaden—"

"You're not Belle. How do you know her? And how do you know my name?"

Belle crossed her arms and pointed to the TARDIS with the Doctor standing there. He was far enough away so Kaden and the Doctor couldn't see each other clearly enough.

"And what does that have to do with anything? The Doctor can take anyone and replace Belle with someone different," Kaden states. Belle frowns.

"Did the Doctor explain anything to you before he left?" Belle asks Kaden as he continues to stand there, staring at her.

"Look, I don't know who you are, but—"

Belle gets out her cell phone and calls the future Doctor. She could tell that the past Doctor was getting anxious, looking around the place as he stood next to his TARDIS. Kaden panics.

"Hey, lady, don't call the police on me—"

"I would never," Belle says as the Doctor picks up the phone. It was actually Amy this time.

"Hey, Izzy! What are you—"

"Can you hand the phone over to the Doctor?"

"Why does your voice sound different?" Amy asks. On the other side, Belle could hear the Doctor panic.

"Belle?" The Doctor asks suddenly. She could hear Amy yell "hey!" As he took the phone from her.

"Doctor? I bet you can tell that I just..."

"Regenerated? Yes. I know. I'm so sorry, sweetheart..."

"Anyway," Belle says, trying not to get choked up, "I'm here with Kaden and he doesn't believe that I'm the same me."

"That happens a lot, yes," the Doctor says. "What do you want me to do?"

"Explain the time lord regeneration thing to him?"

"But — that's not —" Kaden starts. Belle rolls her eyes at him.

"Fine. Put the phone to his ear," the Doctor tells her. She could hear him sigh. Kaden listens.

She watches her brother's expression. His eyes widen as he hears what happened. Tears form in his eyes, thinking Belle's really gone forever.

"I'm still here Kaden," Belle says as he puts the phone back in her hand. The Doctor had ended the call and he had tears in his eyes.

"So it's really you?" He asks, looking up and down. Belle nods.

"It's really me," Belle tells him. He pulls her into a hug. They both start to cry, but Belle feels so much better knowing Kaden knows it's really her.


Hey all! I'm back. For a while there, I was debating on whether to rewrite this or not, but I decided to keep moving with this story. Sorry for the no updates, as I kinda lost inspiration to write. But don't worry! I won't scratch this at all, as this has been gaining more reads as the week goes on! 740 reads at the moment!! Wow. Thank you so much for checking this out. I hope you liked this chapter!

<3 Liv

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