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Belle is completely sobbing by this point, as she sits on the bench where she was just dropped off. People stared as they walked by, wondering why this woman was so upset.

Belle finally heard someone's voice only a minute after she started to sob. She looks up to see a red headed woman who looked eager to talk to her.

"I saw you come out of the TARDIS," the redhead starts to say. Belle looks at her confused.

"TAR — what?"

"TARDIS. That big, blue police box you just came out of?" The woman explains, using her hands to describe what she was saying.

"It's called something?" Belle asks after she sniffed and took a tissue out of her purse she had on.

"Not 'something.' It's called the TARDIS. Though the Doctor would yell at you because it is actually a she."

"The Doctor?" Belle repeats. The woman rolls her eyes.

"You don't know anything about what just happened, do you?"

"N-No," Belle says, tears forming in her eyes again.

"Look," the woman says. "I've been looking for that man, the Doctor, for a while now. Ever since he saved me from a wedding I had. He disappeared, and I don't know when or where he is."

"Is... is it true that the year is two thousand and six, and that I'm not—"

"Yes. It is. Why... are you from the future or something?"

"Well, er, I'm from twenty-thirty."

"Ooh!" the woman exclaims, excited. "What's it like in twenty-thirty?"

Belle frowns, which makes the woman return the frown. "Sorry. Now what year were you born?"

"Uh..." Belle's eyes widened. "Two thousand five."

The woman's eyes widened as well. "Two thousand and five! So you're about a year old now, eh?"

"Baby me is," she says, "I'm twenty five right now."

"I'm Donna. Donna Noble," she says, reaching a hand out for Belle to shake. "And I'll help you find the Doctor..."

"Isabelle," she replied, "but Belle to my friends."

"Belle. Right. Like that movie, Beauty and the Beast? Great one, that."

Belle nods. This was going to be a long... however long wait this was going to take.


hello there!

thank you so much for checking out this first chapter. i apologize for the shortness but im sure future chapters will be longer.

anyway, i hope you enjoy. you are amazing and i hope you have a great day/night!

<3 Liv

belle,     doctor whoWhere stories live. Discover now