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The next time you will see me, I won't be the same. Then the time after that...

Well, let's just say I am preparing you. Your crying will only make it worse for me. Don't ask me questions because it is my future.

I am writing this to apologize how I miss calculated when I brought you back to your year. I hope you can forgive me. Again.

Thank you for accepting me to be your friend. Every moment with you is worth living for.

Your friend,

The Doctor

Belle starts to sob. She hears the door slam as Maverick and Kaden are leaving. She goes to her bedroom window as tears flow down her face. Why did the Doctor write this?

As she looks at the letter again, she notices a 'PS.'

PS — I was the one who wrote your note to Maverick to try and make things easier.

Obviously it didn't help, but Belle was thankful that they didn't think she was dead because the Doctor had written that note.

"The next time you will see me, I won't be the same," Belle read out loud. "What does he mean?"

A few minutes later Belle is downstairs in the kitchen. She sighs after taking a deep breath and preparing herself to start cleaning again.

She heads over to where the window is to water her plants before she gets started, but as she picks up her empty water can, she hears a noise like the one the TARDIS makes when it arrives. Tears form in her eyes as she hears it. Has the Doctor really come back? She wasn't able to contact him because she lost her phone. Maverick was even more disappointed in her.

She drops her empty water can and races out her apartment door, not caring that anyone outside of the complex was looking at her as she ran towards the Doctor. He had some bruises on his face, and a sad look.

"This is what you meant, huh?" Belle says as he looks down at her. She wasn't THAT short, but he still had to look down at her.

"Belle," he says, his voice cracking, "I just..."

"I don't know if I want to slap you, or hug...—"

He does neither. He interrupts her with his lips on hers. Nothing in the world seemed to matter at that moment, only their feelings.


The Doctor had left a few hours ago, and it left Belle sobbing some more until no more tears came. Her feelings were a mess. Only five days ago they had become friends, and now he was at the end of his regeneration, and he does that?

She hears a knock at the door when she finishes a page of the taxes she was supposed to do for Maverick. She perks up, her heart racing.

She opens the door to see a man with suspenders and a blue shirt with a bow tie. He walks in.

"Hello, Belle!" He says excitedly as he takes his jacket off. "It's warm in here!"

"Uh... sorry, sir, but who—?"

"Oh! Don't mind me. Just the health inspector," he flashes a blank piece of paper.

"It's blank," she stares at it.

"Look closely," he tells her as he's looking around the apartment eagerly.

There are words on the paper. 'It's the Doctor,' it says. Belle gasps.


"Yup!" The Doctor exclaims. Belle's eyes drift away from the paper and land on him. She wraps her arms around him, feeling warm. He hugs back and kisses her forehead.

"Sorry about the little miss-hap earlier today," the Doctor tells her. "I was..."

"Regenerating," Belle says, "and you wanted... to say goodbye."

"Yes. I know it was a little soon, but... are these taxes?"

"Maverick will kill you," Belle tells him as he goes over to the piles of paper on the counter. "When he knew you were here. You were the one that did this to me."

"Don't go blaming it on me now," he points a finger at her. "You're the one who spotted the TARDIS first."

"You're the one who kissed me first!" Belle yelled at him. "We're not going to ignore that now, are we?!"

"You're coming with me," the Doctor says, grabbing her arm and starts heading out the apartment. "We're going on an adventure with Amy."

"Amy? Not Donna?"

There's sudden pain on his face. "No. Long story."

"Then I'd like to see it. Or hear it," Belle stops, crossing her arms. "And by the way, I have to get groceries for Maverick or he'll be mad at me."

"Groceries moceries," he says, mocking her. "I have a Time Machine, remember?"

"That you sent me into the wrong time, twice!"

The Doctor gives up arguing. "You're still coming with me."

Belle tries to protest as he is dragging her away once more. She's defeated.


*screams with you* did you expect that? I bet not!! I will let you try to calm down after reading those 800 words... who knows how long until the next update. This is the last original chapter, and now we get to meet Amelia Pond! The next episode is Victory of the Daleks!

Also forgot to mention last chapter: ROLL THE CREDITS. Lol

<3 Liv

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