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Belle woke up feeling funny. This wasn't her body. Why was her brain in someone else's body? If this was some 'Freaky Friday' type —

"Mum!" She recognized Jenny, but couldn't picture her name. She recognized the Doctor in his tenth form, but couldn't remember his name either.

"Uh, I know I know you guys, but — oh, think think think—"

"Does the Doctor ring a bell?" The Doctor asks her as he's smiling brightly. She is lying on the TARDIS floor. She instantly recognizes where she is.

"Oh my god," says Belle. Then she feels her teeth with her tongue. "Am I American? Last time I checked I was English! And last time I checked I wasn't in this body, or had this long, brown hair!"

"You've regenerated," the Doctor tries to tell her. "You're a time lady, Belle. One of the last."

"Thanks for saying one of," Jenny tells him, putting a hand on her hip.

"Ew. I hate hearing the American accent. Should I talk..." she tries changing her tone. "Like this? Oi... do I sound like Donna Noble here? Oh god that was horrible."

The Doctor gives a small laugh while placing a hand on her cheek. "I'm so sorry. I'm very thankful that you turned out to be one of us. I knew if we just waited..."

"That I would regenerate. Like you said," Belle says. The Doctor nods. She blushes bright red. Redder than she normally does, which she thought was weird. She brings him in for a kiss, then realizing it wasn't the same Doctor she knew. Butterflies filled her stomach as they continued to kiss. The Doctor pulled away, his eyes fluttering as tears rolled down his face from feeling so guilty.

"So you really are my mum and dad," Jenny rolls her eyes. "Dad, you don't have to feel bad. There was nothing you could do."

"Jenny, she tried to save me. You did too, which wasn't very responsible—"

"Very responsible? She had the right to do that, even though I didn't want her killed. Our daughter, Doctor!"

A pause. She looks to the side. "Why did it have to be American?"

"Fine. But you suffered because of it," the Doctor tells her. "You didn't deserve it. Neither of you deserve it."

"But if I had done it, wouldn't I have done the same thing as her?"

"If you were made from him, of course," Belle says. She finally gets up from sitting. There's a pause and she says something else. "Now when I was regenerating, why was I in a room with you in the past and a girl named Susan?"

The Doctor gives a nervous laugh. "Ah, I — I —"

"It's okay. I know you're like a thousand years old and can't remember, but you still look good for a thousand year old."

"Nine hundred, actually, but hey..."

He realizes what she's saying. The kiss didn't phase him because he had sensed that change from earlier.

"What does she mean, dad?" Jenny asks. "Did mum go back in time...?"

"To my past, yes, and it created some sort of spark in my granddaughter's brain, and my brain, you see," the Doctor explains.

"Granddaughter?" Jenny asks. They could both see him hurting when Jenny repeats it. Belle nudges her.

"Let's talk about it some other time," Belle says. "Any adventure you want to go on, Jenny, before you go?"

"Before I go?" Jenny asks. "I—"

"I know you'd want to travel on your own, saving planets and such, but I thought this would be a perfect time before you headed off because who knows when we will see you next? The Doctor never brought you up in my past and his future, which is half good because I shouldn't know about my future."

Jenny sighs. "Okay," she says while looking at the Doctor who fidgeted with the console. "You got me. Could we go... when you two first met? You said it was a Time Machine, right, dad?"

"Can't interfere with our own timelines," the Doctor tells her. "That's one rule of time travel."

"Oh, we can do it," Belle smiles. "New face, new us, remember? You were that bald guy—"


"And I was a blonde. Like you, Jenny. You know. I probably wouldn't suspect a thing. Though, hey, I look like Belle from Beauty and the Beast with this hair! Haven't seen the face, though..."

"Beauty and the Beast?"

"A movie in which I like," Belle smiles. "The girl's name is actually Belle. My name is actually Isabelle, but Belle for short. I want to show you that movie sometime before you head off."

"I could always come back," Jenny smiles. The Doctor nods as he fiddles with the console.

"Where to?" Belle asks.

"When we met," the Doctor cringes. Jenny looks confused.

"Why the face?"

"Because he made a big mistake when we first met and I bet you he regrets it now," Belle smirks. The Doctor rolls his eyes as the TARDIS finally lands. Jenny and Belle hold on to something before the TARDIS throws them herself.

"Let's go, Jenny!" Belle grabs her hand and rushes out the door. The Doctor follows behind and the door closes. Twenty thirty. What a year for past Belle.

"What the — are you doing in here?" They heard shouting from the past TARDIS as they walked on by. Belle sighs as she holds the Doctor and Jenny's hands. That was the very beginning of the never-ending life Belle was going to have, and every second of it will be worth it.



What are your thoughts on the previous chapters?

Thank you so much for sticking along on Belle' and the Doctor's journey in falling in love. I really enjoy writing for you all.

Not sure how long the next update will take, but until then... Geronimo!

<3 Liv

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