Chapter 36

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*2 weeks later*

"Yeah, I mean, Alanna's pretty happy with it all. You should've see it, dad." I chuckled, packing up my clothes.

"But then why do you look like you're not that happy?" He rose a brow.

"Maybe 'cause I've been on the road for so long and I'm not quite used to that." I shrugged.

"Okay, then. Maybe you're working a lot, indeed." He helped me closing my bag. "Here you go."

"And you? Enjoying NXT?"

"Yes. They're all amazing." He smiled, and then someone knocked on my door.

"Can I come in?" He asked, with a small smile and I rushed to give him a kiss.

"Sure! We just finished my bag. When are we supposed to leave?"

"In half an hour." Randy chuckled. "Hey, David."

"Hi." Dad smiled.

"The guys are already in the plane and all." I said. "We'll be kinda late, I guess." I chuckled.

"Nah, no probs." He smiled.

The two weeks that went by, a lot have happened.

The feud with The Wyatts was over, and these two weeks, Seth haven't been on Raw. I mean, not on screen, it was part of the storyline. AJ and me were still against The Bellas, who claimed to be the best Divas around. Punk was now on a feud with Randy, for the belt, but wasn't on good therms with Hunter, because he was hurt after the match on the pay per view, but since he was the Champ, he couldn't be away, and he kind of got mad. Shea tho were away, because he had a concussion, he was traveling with us tho.

In our personal lives things weren't different. AJ and Punk were even closer, and I knew that something was gonna happen between them. Me and Randy had told Alanna about our relationship and she was so happy that Randy almost cried, which was cute. Jon seemed to be a bit distant, and I think it was because he was really in love with Renee. But I haven't seen them together or talking these last weeks.

Me and my family were greater than ever. David would come over often and we'd have dinner all together, then he and Hunter would talk about the new talents. Randy also came over once or twice, but Hunter made him stay in a different room, which was kind of funny.

It didn't take long to arrive the town that Raw would be, and soon we were in our hotel room. Me and Randy sharing now, and AJ shared with Punk and Shea.

"Okay, everyone's ready? We gotta go." Punk said and soon enough we had already driven to the arena and were getting ready.

"Do you think Hunter would mind me coming over?" Jon asked.

"Nah. It would be great." I smiled.

"Being alone in Vegas gets boring sometimes." He chuckled.

"I doubt you haven't gotten one or two strippers to get things better." I winked.

"I wouldn't never do that." He faked surprised.

"Okay, storylines." Randy walked in with papers in hand. "First: Shield." He said, so me and Jon started to pay more attention. "Seth calls you, Katie. He wants you to be with him and leave The Shield, but Dean walks in and you choose him."

"What a surprise." Shea joked and we all laughed.

"Next: Punky boy, you have a match against Kane and I'm watching." He smirked. "Watch your back." And winked at Punk.

"Oh, I will, Randal." Punk smirked.

"AJ and Katie, match against Emma and Eva."

"Easy." AJ smirked.

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