Chapter 12

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So, as soon as we got there, me and AJ put on our ring gears. I mean, AJ got dressed up in hers, and then we went to fix one for me. I ended up changing into a short shorts, a kickpad and Chuck Taylors and then we went to the seamstress and she cut up a Shield's shirt to me in AJ's style.

"Hell, you look hot." AJ chuckled.

"Of course I do! Now, the whole Shield might fall in love with me." I laughed.

"You're so cocky." She rolled her eyes and chuckled.

"I always been." I shrugged. "What about you, missy? Matches tonight?"

"I guess we'll have to wait and see." She shrugged.

"Sure." I smiled.

All the talks suddenly stopped, and me and AJ turned around. Every Diva was in silence, as the guy from creative looked at us, holding a few papers in hand. I guess, everyone wanted their names to be called from him, to have a match tonight, be a part of the show. Well, I knew I'd be, because The Shield would be out there.

"AJ, match against Brie, Tamina will follow. Kate, Shield's having a match against the Wyatt and you'll have a segment with them, they'll give you the details there. Good luck, ladies." He looked at the papers again, and after flashing a little smile towards us, he left.

"Awesome." I said. "Coming? I'm gonna find Jon."

"I gotta get ready and all, but I'll see you later, alright?" AJ smiled.

"Alright. Good luck." I smiled, before walking out.

It was the first time I'd be walking these hallways alone and somehow I just knew I'd get lost pretty soon, but yeah, I walked around trying to find The Shield. Well, I know they were with the fan, but now the show's about to start, and they should be... In the locker room. I made my way towards the door, the only way I already knew, and after a knock, Wade Barrett opened it.

"Shield's in there?" I asked.

"Jon just left, but Tyler and Joe are still here, if ya' want." He said, looking in and then back at me.

"Nah, thanks." I flashed him a smile, before walking away.

Awesome. I took a deep breath, walking around the arena for a while, and using this little time to get to know the place a little better, then I sat down to watch the show. Cena was in the ring, having  a promo on his HWC, so I sighed. I never really knew why, but I just don't like him at all. I mean, he indeed looked like a nice guy, but... Nah. I sighed again. Del Rio interrupted him, and started talking with his annoying voice. They started arguing, when Del Rio hit Cena with the mic, and he fell to the mat, being kicked. The refs tried to hold him, but they weren't strong enough, I guess.

Then, commercials. Meanwhile, in the arena, the refs finally controlled the two of them, and let them backstage again. Not so long after, Lilian announced the following match: AJ and Brie. I sat up with my back straight, paying attention. I always loved her matches, she had such an energy inside that ring and... It felt natural. With the Black Widow, she won. Tamina helped her a little bit when the ref wasn't looking, but that's life. Following, Cena's segment with a doctor, about his elbow.

"There you are!" I heard, turning around as I realized it was Jon's voice.

"Hey, I couldn't find you!" I said, after giving him a hug.

"But I found ya'." He chuckled. "We have a segment after this match, c'mon."

So, while we walked towards... I have no idea where, he explained to me how the segment would go. It'd be the four of us, mainly focused on me, him and Seth. Roman, Seth and the camera guy with some assistants were already there, preparing a few details. They told me to sit down on this box and wait for the signal. My heart was slamming my chest from inside, and when I heard the match was over, I felt a rush of adrenaline.

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