Chapter 4

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Dean took me out of the locker room and closed the door, before rolling his blue eyes and looking down at me.

"Remember me to not take you there again." He said, before sighing.

"Why not? I liked it." I chuckled. Indeed, I liked it way better than the Diva's locker room. Of course, the stares felt weird, but I guess I was... Used to it? Something like that.

"Of course a girl likes seeing guys with no shirts on." He rolled his eyes.

"You weren't walking around there shirtless, nothing to enjoy inside that room." I joked.

"Woah, are you flirting with me?" He smirked. "Just a warning, I'm not easy, but I'd make you an exception, cupcake." He stepped closer to me.

"No, Dean, that was a joke. I have a boyfriend, and even if I didn't, I'd be flirting with Orton. I heard he's an 'easy guy'." I said, standing still and crossing my arms over my chest.

"Told ya', call me Jon." He stepped back. "And I was joking. How old are you, anyways? Sweet sixteen?"

"Seventeen, dumbass."


"And last: don't call me cupcake. Now, where are we going?"

"I was planning on showing you the ring, if you want." He shrugged.

"Really?" I smiled.

"Yeah, why?"

"Could we... Y'know, wrestle?"

"Do you wrestle?" He raised a brow.

"Of course! And I'm very good at it. Let's go, you'll see."

He just smirked, before shrugging and taking my hand as he lead me through the hallways.

"Just a question... Why is it you guys have the urge to hold my hand? Hunter did this too." I squinted my eyes at him.

"'Cause when you're here, you need to show off that you have someone to protect you in case they want to mess with you." He shrugged.

"You'd need me to protect you?" I smirked.

"Don't pretend you don't understand. Your father probably wants to show everyone that you're kind of 'untouchable'. Kinda like Steph, y'know? No one can mess with you, or they'll have problems with the boss. And me, well, I have to take care of you now, so they'll have problems with me too. At least for tonight."

"God! The Shield's leader is gonna protect me tonight!" I said sarcastically.

"You're just like your father." He grinned.

"I'm not."

"You don't like him that much, do you?" He asked, but I was busy looking around the gigantic arena as we stepped into the stage. The crew was still testing the sounds and lights, but it was... It was a magic feeling. "Is it because of some stupid storyline?" Dean mocked, making me look back at him and let go of his hand as I walked towards the ring.

"Are you going to shut your mouth and wrestle or not?" I rolled my eyes, climbing up the ring and taking my side.

Dean just replied with a smirk, stepping into the ring for a while. He went with full force on me, which I already expected from him, but now and then he'd take some steps back and smile, I guess to check if I was okay. That was when I applied a Black Widow on him, and he ended up tapping.

"Little monster rules!" I cheered, letting him go and pretending to celebrate my 'victory'.

"I could've held longer, and end winning this shit..." He stood up, running a hand through his dirty blond hair. "But we gotta go back now, they'll open up the gates soon. Let's get some water."

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