Chapter 40

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"Are you okay?" I asked, noticing that Randy seemed to be a bit nervous.

"Yes. Just a bit upset about losing the belt that soon, but fine. That's business." He flashed me a smile and I sighed, so he looked at me and held my chin. "It's everything okay, I promise."

"Okay." I smiled, and he kissed the tip of my nose.

"C'mon, we're next." AJ said, passing through us.

"See you in a few." I smiled and kissed Randy's lips, before following AJ.

We stopped in the gorilla and she sighed.

"Again." She said.

"I'm sorry."

"Nah, it's fine. I mean, every champion looses the belt eventually."
She smiled at me.

"You'll get it back sooner than you expect."

"Not this time. Let's give a chance to other Divas." She shrugged, and her theme song started.

"Good luck." I smiled, before we started skipping to the ring.

When AJ finished her entrance, Paige got in.

I had no idea why she was already having a match for the belt, if she had just debuted on Raw. And even worst, winning. That was unfair.

The match started in seconds, and I paced around, cheering and yelling, sometimes punching the mat and yelling at the ref to count faster when AJ pinned, but I was only trying to lie to myself, pretending that the one walking out as a Champion would be AJ.

It was no secret that she was my favorite Diva currently, and seeing her loose made me as sad as any other fan. Because deep inside, we are still a bunch of wrestling fans.

"Come on, ref!" I yelled, as AJ pinned Paige down for the third time, but she kicked out at two and the ref shrugged, showing his fingers as a two. "Fuck." I mumbled, covering my face with my hands.

I kept my hands on my face for no more than 3 seconds but when I looked up again, Paige had just started her finisher, and then pinned AJ down.

"One... Two..." The ref started, and then I had to cover my ears so I wouldn't hear the 'three', but Paige's song blasted and I knew she won.

"No..." I shook my head, before pushing Paige away and kneeling beside AJ and hugging her.

AJ was supposed to stay until after Paige left the ring, but I wouldn't let her stay there and watch as Paige held the belt that belonged to my best friend. No.

I lead AJ backstages and she hugged me.

"Gosh, it still hurts." She said.

"Sorry, I couldn't let you stay there watching her with your belt."

"It's fine. They won't mind." She smiled and kissed my cheek. "Let's go back 'cause you still have a long match tonight."

"Right." I forced a smile and we walked to my locker room.

The guys hugged her, saying that they were sorry that she had to lose the belt, but this time she really looked fine. She wasn't as sad as the first time she lost the belt, and that was kind of weird and relieving at the same time.

"Ready?" Randy asked, as the match before the main event started.

"Yup." Jon nodded, before flashing him a smile. "Good luck for us."

"Good luck." Randy chuckled.

"And for God's sakes, make this match worth watching." Shea said.

"I'm counting on you two, because all the matches, besides AJ's, have been boring as fuck." Punk said, he was on facetime with us.

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