Chapter 45: Final Chapter.

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Before anything, I want to thank each and everyone of you who has been with me and Katie since the beginning of this book. We've been through ups and downs, long hiatuses and waits, but finally, like every good thing, Cherry Bomb has come to an end. I will miss writing this book a lot, just as much as I'll miss seeing your comments and messages about this book.

Of course, I'll soon start another one, with a different story, a different character, but I'll always remember Cherry Bomb as the first WWE book I've written.

Thanks so much for everything, guys. I love all of you, and I hope you have liked this journey we've been through.

I hope you all enjoy the last chapter, and see you around!


Nothing made me feel better than that talk with Randy. We had solved everything, and now we were all fine. Me, him and... Jon didn't know yet.

We were standing behind the curtain, ready for the match: me, AJ, Jon, Paige and Randy. I looked over at him and smiled, and he did the same. Then my song hit and I walked out, Dean and AJ following me. We made our way to the ring and waited, and as soon as Paige's song started, and I saw Randy's figure beside her, I felt a little pain in my chest; it was terrible to see that.

"What's he doing here?" Dean asked.

"Calm down!" AJ held his arm, but I didn't move, just stared as they got into the ring.

I took a deep, long breath, and felt as if the world had stopped. Paige was in front of me, staring intently in my eyes, and the ref held her belt up as AJ, Dean and Randy slid out of the ring.

The bell rang. It begun. I took a deep breath and stared at Paige; she just stared back. At this moment we were like animals. Animals waiting for the right moment to strike, and so she made the first move, coming at me and putting me in a headlock, but I pushed her into the ropes and, inspired by Dean, I went right after her and gave her a knee to the guts, before walking back into the corner and staring at her. I was teasing.

"C'mon, Paige!" Randy yelled, and I stared at him. He stared right back, but those were the two seconds that Paige needed of distractions: she hit the back of my knee and I fell on my back, so she quickly went for a pinfall, but, well, of course it wouldn't be that easy. I kicked out before the ref had time to say one.

She stood up angrily, punching the turnbuckles.

I eyed looked at Dean from the corner of my eyes as he reached for something underneath the ring. That soon and he was bringing me chairs, yes! He slid one into the ring, but Randy was quicker and reached for it as well.

"Let it go!" I yelled, but he wouldn't, so AJ punched the back of his neck, and I felt Paige approaching me, so I just turned around really quick and hit her with the chair. She fell, and I started hitting her over and over until the ref held me, so I threw the chair out of the ring and went for the pin, but she kicked at two.

"Hell!" I growled, bringing my hands up to my ears and taking a deep breath. Okay, I had to think, I had to think.

Paige stood up, grabbing me by the hair and pushed me into the ropes, waiting in the middle of the ring, ready for a clothesline, but she didn't expect me to do the same, so both of us fell to the mat.

I rolled to Dean and AJ's corner, and he held my hand, looking me in the eyes.

"C'mon, you can do this." He said.

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