Chapter 9

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We were having fun, laughing and joking, when I heard a knock on the door. For a few seconds I just knew it had to be Hunter, just checking on me and the guys, but I rushed to open the door, only to meet AJ holding some ice cream and a big smile on her face. Was she... Like... Trying to be my friend? That was unusual, but gave me a nice feeling.

"Hey, AJ!" I smiled as well.

"Hey, uh, I have ice cream and... There are some great horror movies on Netflix and I thought we..." She rubbed the back of her neck.

"Sure!" I said, stepping back so she could come in. She looked at me surprised. "I just hope you don't mind the boys here..." I said, pointing at them as they ate and played video games, all of them on my gigantic bed.

"No, it's fine." She nodded with a chuckle, before stepping in.

So I closed the door, seeing as she stopped a few steps forward, as if waiting for me. I held her arm and looked at the guys.

"She's got ice cream, we can choose a nice horror movie. Everybody agree?" I joked. 

"Nope. I don't." Jon said, looking serious, but when AJ stared at him in shock, he laughed. "I'm kidding." He smiled.

"Fuck, don't do that again." She laughed.

"C'mon, let's sit." I grabbed her tiny hand, leading her towards the bed. "Hm... Since we are the only girls, you guys will have to protect us, right? So we'll sit in the middle of you all. Move."

"Sure." Sheamus laughed.

So, after shifting positions a bit to get everyone comfy (if you could say that four guys, two girls and one bed felt comfy), we were all set. It was very tight, and I almost had my face on Jon's chest, and it felt very uncomfortable to avoid it, so I remembered the deal, thought 'fuck it' and laid my head on his chest, pressing my body slightly into his, so AJ wouldn't be all over Punk - I could be pushing her towards him, 'cause I kind of ship them, but it was clear that she was feeling uncomfortable -, meanwhile, Shea and Randy found their places on our feet. Then I felt something heavy on my ass and looked quickly towards it. Guess who used my freaking ass as a pillow? Randy fucking Orton, yes. Sheamus pressed play, and we all went silent. I guess being with all of them felt comfy now, like we had been friends for a while, even tho I met them a few hours ago, but then I realized the deal thing they said was for real, but... I have a boyfriend back home. What would he think about it all?

"Y'know, guys, my boyfriend would be hella mad if he knew what's happening right now." I said, suddenly.

"Screw him." Punk said. "We're shifting positions next time and I'm being in Jon's place."

"Nah." Sheamus chuckled.

"Pff." Jon shook his head.

"Listen, whoever wins a match in the WWE game, get's Jon's place next time." I said.

"What?! Then I'll be on Randy's!" Jon complained.

"Whatever." I laughed.

"Fucker." Randy said. "You'll be here if you win the damn match."

"Really? Are you guys really arguing on who'll lay on my ass?"

"Hey, it's comfy." Randy chuckled.

"What about AJ? No one's using her ass as pillow?" I asked.

"Hm, no... Thanks." She said, so we all laughed.

"Okay, now that everything's set, let's watch the movie." Sheamus chuckled.

We all agreed, getting back the attention in the movie, but a little bit before it ended, someone knocked on the door. Randy rushed to open it, and guess who? Hunter. I sat up quickly, kind of blushing because of the situation, so he walked in, raising an eyebrow.

"So, it's late, uh? You all better go to your room. My daughter has to sleep. Tomorrow she'll wake up early." He said.

"I will?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah. You'll have a tryout. Vince's gonna be here." He shrugged.

"Who's wrestling her?" Punk sat up.

"I'm not sure, he didn't tell me." He shrugged. "You know how it works."

"Can we go?" Randy asked.

"No. Vince won't like it."

"Not even AJ?" I pouted, holding into her arm. I guess she was the only girl in the company I could see myself being friends with, and she was trying, right? Why not? She seems pretty nice.

"Fine." He sighed. "Now, sleep."

"Shit." Jon sighed, standing up and stretching his arms. "Can't see why we can't sleep in here." He mumbled.

"Because this is a room for one girl. Do you all really wanna sleep in one bed? C'mon." Hunter rolled his eyes.

The guys, slowly, put their shoes back on, grabbed their coats, and after each one gave a kiss on my forehead (shocking), they waved good bye and walked out. Then AJ put on her Chuck Taylor's as well and grabbed the ice cream.

"We didn't even have a chance to eat." She chuckled. "I'll save it for tomorrow. And I'll bring more spoons." She chuckled. "Night." She smiled, before waving at Hunter and closing the door as she left. Then he raised an eyebrow at me and crossed his arms over his chest.

"It's really good that you made friends, but I must remind you to be careful. Remember these guys are in the same company, and people here are not nice when they need something. I'd be careful with Punk. Now that you're the boss' daughter, you'll have to learn some stuff. We never know who's gonna stab us in the back."

"I know, Hunter. And I know you don't really like Punk, but he's a nice guy. It's fine, they're nice. I know you probably know them better than I do, but let me just see how this goes. And if someone stabs me, I shoot them. That's the Chicago way." I chuckled.

"Yeah, you're really 'untouchable'." He laughed, getting my reference to the movie. "Just be careful." He sighed. "Well, good night then. I'll see you tomorrow morning, don't forget you have to be ready."

"Okay." I nodded. "Good night, Hunter and... Thanks." I smiled.

He looked at me for a few seconds, before smiling back. Then he walked towards the door, gave me a last smile and left. 

I looked around my room and sighed. Fuck, it was a total mess. Empty bottles of beer, pillows everywhere, the boxes of pizza and the Pepsi me and Punk shared... I walked towards the bathroom and took a shower, before putting on some comfy clothes and plopping myself on the bed. One pillow had Jon's smell, and the other one was a mix of AJ and Punk's hair. I hugged both pillows and, with a smile on my face, I fell asleep.


It's been so long since I've wrote this chapter that I didn't even remember this! It's good to edit stuff because I can relive it all <3

So, how do you guys like it? The beginning of their friendship? :D hope everyone likes it, don't forget to vote and comment <3 let me know who's your favorite so far, and if you have any ships already xD

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