Chapter 32

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When I closed my room's door behind me, I took a deep breath, looking around the hallway for a few seconds. All the superstars usually got two or three floors of the same hotel, just so we all would be 'together', instead of randomly around the city. It was just to make sure that, if Hunter had to talk to someone, he'd know where everyone was. And, well, he always made sure to get him a room in the same floor as mine was.

So, there I went, slowly walking towards his room, just a few steps away from mine, and then I stopped at the door. Before I had the chance to knock, I heard some rushed whispers. I knocked slightly, and I heard Steph saying 'you're overreacting', before everything went silent and she opened the door.

"Hi, Katie, we were waiting for you." She smiled, motioning for me to walk in.

With a small smile, I walked in, sitting down in a chair and looking around the room awkwardly, and then to Hunter.

"I'm here, so..." I raised an eyebrow.

"I don't think it's already time to be dating one of the guys, specially Randy Orton." Hunter said, so Steph stared at him.

"What Hunter's trying to say is..."

"I don't like him, and I don't want my daughter dating a guy like him."

"I understand you don't like him, but as long as I do like him, I don't see what would be the trouble of me dating him." I shook my head no. "Or do you want me to date Punk?" I sure knew that the two of them had some trouble, and Hunter didn't like Punk.

"Randy is not a good guy." He shook his head, ignoring what I said about Punk.

"And why is that?" I asked.

"Hunter, Randy has changed." Steph stated.

"What are you two talking about?"

"Randy Orton isn't the type of guy who will be with one woman only." He looked at me. "We made him marry Samantha just so it wouldn't be bad for the company that our third generation superstar got a girl pregnant and left."

"What? You think he's gonna do the same to me?"

"No, because you're smarter than that. This is why I'm talking to you now."

"Well, if I'm smarter, then I don't see why not-"

"You don't understand, Katie." Hunter stood up, rubbing his face.

"Paul." Steph called.

"I don't want my daughter to get hurt!" He whisper yelled at her. "What if it was Aurora? Mu? Or Vaugh? Wouldn't you do the same?!"

"You have no right to do that to me because you know I care about her like she's my own daughter." Steph stared deadly at him. "You are overreacting."

"Stop it, okay?" I stood up, worried that they'd end up getting into an argument because of me. "Listen, I still don't see why can't I be in a relationship with Randy."

"I've watched so many women get hurt by him, I don't want that to happen to you." He sighed.

"I know. And he won't hurt me. You don't have to worry about it." I shook my head.

"People change, Paul. It happened years ago. He's older and mature."

"He is older! That's another reason. He's too old for him." He turned around, shaking his head.

"Age doesn't matter at all." I looked away impatiently. "I don't know where you're trying to go with this conversation, but me and Randy like each other."

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