Chapter 24

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Hunter took me home, and then told me he had to go do some stuff, so I'd be alone for a little while because no one was home, but Steph and the girls would be back soon. I didn't really mind being alone, because all I wanted at the moment was to rush upstairs to my room, jump into my bed and cry of joy. I couldn't believe it happened. I was a Diva. I was officially hired as a WWE Diva. I would fucking wrestle! No one knows how much I have dreamed about that and to see it come true... Oh my God!

Wiping away my tears, I grabbed my cellphone. I had to call someone, I had to talk to a friend, I had to tell them. The first person to come into my mind was, of course, Jon, so I dialed his number and he instantly picked up.

"Come here. Right now." I said.

"What? What's wrong?" He asked confused.

"Just come." I said, and then hang up.

Fifteen minutes later, I heard the bell. I ran downstairs, opened the door and when I saw Jon's face, I jumped into his arms, wrapping my legs on his waist, and started crying. He hugged me tight, asking what was wrong.

"Nothing. I'm happy. I'm so happy!" I said, never letting go of him.

"What happened?" He asked. "You scared me, cupcake, don't do that."

"I'm in, Jon! It's official, I'm in!"

He moved a bit away to look at me, and then smiled.

"You mean... You'll wrestle?"

"Yes!" I said, hugging him again. "Hunter and the board of directors are trying to find a feud for me. Jon! I'm in!" And with this, I began to cry again.

"I'm so happy for you, I really am." He pulled away, looking at me for a few seconds and then kissing my forehead. "I think we should call the guys to tell them."

"Oh God, yes!" I smiled, letting go of him.

He called Punk and Shea, and I called AJ and Randy. He said he'd be there, if I didn't mind him bringing Alanna along, so I said I didn't, it'd be great to meet her.

"I wish David was here." I sighed, sitting down beside Jon.

"You'll see him soon, and he'll be just as happy." He kissed my temple. "Have you thought talking about Hunter to see if he can do anything?"

"I don't know..."

"He'd do anything for you, Katie. It won't hurt to ask."

"Yeah, you're right." I sighed, before smiling up at him.

I heard some giggles, and then the door opened. Au, Mur and Vaugh ran inside.

"Katie!" They yelled, jumping into my arms.

"Hello." Au said, looking at Jon.

"Hello." Jon smiled.

"This is Jon." I said.

"I know him. He's the bad man that wanted to beat daddy." Mur said, staring at Jon.

"Oh, that was just a story. Jon is a nice guy." I chuckled.

"I won't hurt your dad, little one." He ruffled Mur's hair, but she took his hand away.

"I hope the three of you are running to shower!" I heard Steph calling as she walked in. "Hey Katie, hello Jon." She smiled, taking her breath. "These three made me run all the way back here from the park. C'mon, shower now. You'll play later."

The three of them pouted, but Steph raised an eyebrow. They sighed, walking slowly upstairs.

"Hmkay, they hate me." Jon sighed.

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