Chapter 14

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I believe we talked the whole flight, and when the plane came to a stop, I was ready to stand up and grab my bags, when Hunter held my hand, so I looked at him.

"I know you want to see your, erm, friends, so me and Steph will pick you up at night, okay?" He said.

"Fine." I smiled.

They both gave me a hug, and I took my bag and walked to the door, where Jon was waiting for me. I turned back to look at Hunter and Steph, so Hunter said an 'I love you'. I felt a little knot on my throat, because I had no idea what to say, so I just nodded with a smile and walked away with Jon, as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder and looked at me with a silly smile.

"So, how was it? Nice?" He asked.

"Yeah, they're cool." I smiled. "Where's everyone?"

"You mean and AJ and those three assholes? Looking for us, probably." He shrugged.

"So, we wait for them?"

"Nah, they'll find us at the hotel." He shrugged again and chuckled.

"Fine." I chuckled as well.

We took our bags, and Jon called a cab that took us to the hotel. We checked in, making sure to let the receptionist know that AJ would be staying with me, and rushed up to our room. I plopped myself in the bed, leaving the bags on the floor, while Jon closed the door, took his shirt off and let it fall to the floor. I sighed, closing my eyes.

"You'll get used to it." He said, so I looked at him and he smiled as he took off his shoes.

"I hope so." I sighed again, reaching for my phone. "I'll call Aaron."

I swear I saw a slight roll of eyes, and then he just shrugged and walked towards the bathroom, while I stared at the door closed for a few seconds. What was that? I raised an eyebrow, before shaking my head and pressing call.

"Thought you were too busy to call me." Aaron said, coldly.

"Don't be an ass. I have been busy, but you're still my boyfriend. Do tell me, tho. How's everything?"

"Well, I'm fine. The team is fine. David is good. We all miss you, but we know it's only for two weeks." I heard a sigh.

"Yeah, I'll be back soon. I miss you all too. And my house." I sighed, hugging the pillow. "I'm leaving to Hunter's tonight. I'll meet my half sisters..."

"They'll love you, cupcake."

"I miss your grin when you call me that."

"And I miss seeing you angry when I do." He chuckled.

"I miss you, Aaron."

"I miss you too, Kate."

Then there was this awkward silence, I didn't know what to say, but I supposed it was when someone says 'I love you', and maybe he was expecting that, but it was too soon... He sighed.

"I gotta go, babe. Talk to you later?"

"Yes, you can call me if I don't. Tell David and the guys that I miss them."

"I will. Bye." And he hung off. I threw my phone on the other bed, taking a deep breath.

"Can I come back in already?" Jon yelled.

"Yeah." I said, so he opened the door. "What were you doing there for so long?"

"Jerking off." He shrugged.

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