Chapter 19

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It didn't really take much longer for me to finally fall asleep, but it seemed like seconds until I woke up with the door being open, and the bed shifting. At first I kinda froze in fear, ready to do something, but then the soft voice calmed me down.

"Katy, we're going fishing..." Mur said, and then I felt her weight on my belly, giggling when I opened my eyes.

"Good morning, Mur." I smiled softly. "Fishing?"

"Yes. Uncle Shawn is teaching us. C'mon." She smiled, jumping out of the bed.

"Okay, I'll just get changed and then I'll be downstairs in a second, okay?"

She nodded yes and left, closing the door for me. So I took some clothes, put it on, but then she walked in as I was putting on some make up. She picked up one of my band t shirts and asked what it meant, and next thing I know, I was showing her some of my favorite songs.

"This is cool." She said, when I played Teenagers From Mars, by The Misfits.

"Do you really like it?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yes. One more?" She smiled.

"Okay, just one more." I chuckled. "It's awesome that you liked it. But these are not for kids your age. Let's make a deal. When you're my age, I'll give you all of their CD's. Alright?" I chuckled, skipping to London Dungeon.

"Okay." She smiled, nodding yes, before looking up at me. "Have you ever been to the London Dungeon?" She asked innocently.

"Nah, I'm not a clean corpse." I laughed, but she just stared at me confused.

"So you're a dirty zombie?"

"A dirty vampire." I winked. "A dirty vampire that's going to bite you!" I said, making a scary noise, picking her up from the floor, while she giggled.

"Ready, ladies?" Shawn asked, and then I looked at the door, realizing he was there.

"Yes, uncle Shawn!" Murphy smiled, wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Katie?" He smiled.

"Yes." I nodded, smiling as well.

I put Mur back on the floor, so she grabbed my hand, leading the way to the kitchen and choosing my place right beside her. I looked at the clock on the wall, and that's when I realized it wasn't even 8am. We took a quick breakfast and then Shawn drove us to this river near the area. I never fished before, so Shawn gave me some instructions on how to do it. Apparently, throw the thing in the water and wait. So, that's what I did, then laid down on the grass. And waited. And waited. And waited.

We had been there for a long time, Hunter got like three fishes, I wasn't even able to count how many Shawn got, and the girls got one each. Steph was only helping the girls out so they wouldn't get hurt or anything, so, well, counting the girls', she got three. While me... Nothing! Not even a small one. Ugh, I hated this thing.

"This is... Kind of boring. I mean, too quiet." I sighed.

"You can't get fishes if there's too much noise." Hunter said, and Shawn agreed. "It's to relax. Look at the water, hear this noise. Just relax and you'll get some." He smiled at me, then looked back at the water.

I stared at the water for at least half an hour and nothing! Then I looked up at the sky and the white fluffy clouds, and that's when my mind started to wander. First, I was asking myself what had I done wrong for Aaron to break up with me that way for someone else. Then, when I realized it was not worth to think about him, I remembered the phone call from Randy. I mean, I was really looking forward to see him and the guys again, and he seemed to be as well and-

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