Chapter 26

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After my first real promo, we all rushed to my locker room. Seth and Roman told me they were really surprised, never expecting me to say anything, and that they really liked it. I couldn't really believe that I had the guts to say that all, and I didn't even shake! The two of them left, and I jumped on the couch as Punk closed the door.

"Got it was so awesome!" I yelled, as AJ jumped on the couch as well.

"Girl I didn't see you putting up a promo like that." Punk smirked.

"It wasn't that good." I rolled my eyes playfully.

"No? I went to watch at the catering and everyone was fucking speechless." Sheamus smiled at me.

"Really?" I asked.

"Do you think anyone ever expected you to be good at promos?" Randy chuckled.

"Some people shut their mouths and will never repeat the 'she's got the job because of her father' thing." AJ smiled.

"I don't think even Hunter was expecting you to speak up tonight." Jon chuckled.

"Dude, me neither." I laughed.

We talked a little more about the promo, and Punk wanted to planned something more for the two of us because he said he liked having that with me, and then the guys got to the Superstars' locker to shower, so I went to get one too, and then AJ too.

"So, plans for tonight?" She asked from the bathroom, the door slightly open.

"I'm going out with Sheamus." I said, braiding my hair. "You?"

"Back to my apartment to finish packing. Smackdown tappings tomorrow."

"Yeah, I know." I chuckled. "Hey, I'm done here, so I'll go looking for Hunter. Want to know if he liked the match. I'll see you and the guys in a while, alright?"

"Okay." She said. "Just close both doors for me, please."

"Fine." I laughed softly, closing the bathroom door.

I grabbed my cellphone, shoved it in my pocket and closed the room's door, looking around to try and find the way to Hunter's roo. All I had to do was follow the signs, right? I was looking all around, but ended up bumping into someone when I turned on a hallway. I fell on my ass, looking up to see who I bumped into.

"Oh, sorry, didn't see you comin'." He said, offering me a hand.

"It's okay, I wasn't paying attention, it's my fault." I smiled, taking his hand as he helped me standing up.

"Oh, it's you!" Show chuckled. "You did a pretty good job out there tonight, uh?"

"Thanks." I smiled. "I'm kinda lost, do you know where's my father's office?"

"Sure." He chuckled, giving me the directions. I thanked him and left, trying to follow the way he told me.

Well, the superstars are way better than the Divas. If I had bumped into one of them... Well, they'd be freaking out. And besides, Big Show did seem like a great guy.

When I was about to get to the office, four little girls came running down the hallway and hugged me.

"Mom said we should congratulate you!" Mur giggled.

"Uncle Hunter said you were awesome." Alanna said, smiling at me.

"You did! We were watching." Au clapped her hands, so I hugged the four of them, taking Vaugh in my arms.

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