Chapter 7

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Everything was so fun, all the talking and sharing, that I actually forgot everything else for a while. But then, there was a knock on the door, and we all looked at it. After a bit of a stare contest to see who'd open the door, Miz sighed, stood up and opened the door.

"Hm... Hi, Mike. Hunter said his daughter was with Jon..." Well, it was AJ. So I stood up and walked towards the door, while Miz sat down again and they went back to talking.

"Hey, AJ." I smiled, closing the door behind me.

"W-what were you doing?" She chuckled, surprised.

"Talking." I shrugged.

"Ladies can't get in their locker room, it's kinda one of the company's rules, and theirs too..." She chuckled.

"Those are dumb rules." I smirked.

"Yeah..." She shrugged. "So, I saw you out there with The Shield, and I was wondering... You're a Diva now or...?"

"I don't think I'm a Diva yet, I mean... Vince still wants to see me wrestle."

"Cool. Y'know, being the boss' daughter."

"It's not that cool." I shrugged. "But nevermind." I smiled at her. "So, you wanted something?"

"I dunno. Just wanted to ask about being a Diva and all..." She shrugged.

"Yah..." I smiled, rubbing the back of my neck. "So... I guess... I'm going back there. Y'know, talk and all..."

"Yeah, sure. See you later." She gave me a small smile, before walking away.

I just opened the door, closed it behind me and leaned against it, letting out a long sigh.

"What happened?" Punk asked.

"I don't know. It was just... Awkward." I chuckled nervously.

"AJ's nice, how could it be awkward?" Wade asked.

"She's nice, but I guess I'm not." I shrugged, walking towards my seat between Jon and Sheamus.

"Well, you're being nice to us, so..." Sheamus shrugged.

"Let's just say I'm not good with girls..." I chuckled.

"One of those who walk with boys all the time, uh?" Randy chuckled.

"Pretty much. I mean, I've always been with the wrestling team and stuff. My best friend was in it, and my boyfriend too. Oh, which reminds me... Randy, he'll be here soon to kick your ass and get this title." I winked.

"I thought you would take the belt." Drew grinned.

"My priority will be the Diva's Belt. You're really lucky, Orton." I teased.

"I'll just pretend I didn't hear that." He rolled his eyes.

We all laughed, but were interrupted by the door opening. We turned to see Hunter.

"Show's already over, are you guys sleeping here or what?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Your daughter is nice, we were just talking." Cody shrugged.

"Yeah. Sorry, guys, but she has to leave now. C'mon, Kate." He looked at me.

"Aw, no. I wanna taaaalk." I sighed.

"No worries, we can see you when we arrive the hotel." Sheamus smiled.

"Yeah, we could play WWE or something." Punk chuckled.

"I don't want all of you in my daughter's hotel room." Hunter raised an eyebrow.

"Who says all of these guys are going?" Dean shrugged.

"Well, I see you at the hotel then." I smiled. "Good bye, ladies." I winked at them and stood up, skipping towards Hunter.

I heard some good byes as me and Hunter walked away, but as soon as the door closed, I was met with the same awkward silence, and then, as soon as we arrived the hotel, Hunter walked me to his room.

"So, you said you wanted to talk to me." He said, sitting down and taking off his shoes, before looking up at me.

"Hm, yeah, I..." How would I even apologize? I can't remember the last time I done that. "Well, I wanted to... To apologize for what I said and..."

"It's fine." He smiled.

"Don't think I'm changing my mind just because you got me in the ring with the guys today, it's just... I know, or I suppose, how complicated wrestling is. I know it's hard, y'know? And... I was... I guess I was just angry because of all of those years I spent just hoping my father would show up from outtanowhere and everything would be fine. But when it actually happened, it felt... Felt bad, you know? I just felt like I had been betrayed by the only man I was supposed to trust." I sighed. "But then you told me you used to write me, but mom never let me read any of those letters, and... I'm sorry." I sighed.

"I can show you all of those letters. It's back home, I kept all of them, including the gifts. I never lost my hopes of meeting you one day, Katie. But I'm sure it wasn't easy growing up without a father. But I've suffered too." He sighed. "How do you think I felt, knowing someone else was raising my own daughter? It's like... Forget it, okay? We're here now. It's everything fine, right?" He smiled, standing up and walking towards me.

Hunter wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer to his body. For a few seconds I felt uncomfortable, but then I hugged him back, and for the first time... For the first time I felt what was like hugging your father. Fuck, what am I saying? David raised me, he loves me, he's my father too, and I love him... He pulled away, smiled down at me and pressed a kiss to my forehead, so I smiled back at him.

"Well, now that everything's fine and I apologized... I guess you're tired and need some rest. And I need to find Jon and the guys." I chuckled.

"Don't put all of those guys inside your room, I'm serious."

"Just Punk, Jon, Randy and Sheamus, please?" I pouted playfully.

"Fine." He sighed. "But stay away from Ziggler, alright? He flirts with anything with legs."

"Alright, I saw the way he looked at me." I wrinkled my nose.

"You're smart, aren't you?" He smiled. "So, if not Dolph, who is it?" He smirked.

"I have a boyfriend, Hunter." I rolled my eyes playfully, before chuckling.

"Oh... Really? Well... Is it too soon if... If I asked you to meet him?" He raised an eyebrow, with a small smile.

"I think... I think it's really really soon. But, who knows, right?" I shrugged. "He probably wants to meet you too, because he's a fan, but, we'll see."

"Okay, then." He nodded.

"So, see you tomorrow?" I smiled, walking towards the door.

"Sure thing." He smiled.

"Good night, Hunter."

"Good night, Katie. Be careful with the guys."

"I will." I chuckled, closing the door.


This is a very small chapter, but I really hope you guys enjoy it. My plan is on building Kate and Hunter's relationship slowly, until she gets used to him and the fact that her father is Triple H, haha.

I hope you all liked it, and please don't forget to vote, and maybe leave a comment <3

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