Chapter 10

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"Wake up, sleepyhead!" I heard, before opening my eyes and staring at whoever woke me up. It was AJ. Woah, one movie night and she was that comfy? I realized I had an angry face when she blushed, smiling awkwardly. "Hm, sorry... It's... It's almost time for us to go and..."

"Don't worry. I just have this face whenever I wake up." I said, smiling at her. Which was true, I do have this face when someone wakes me up. So, yeah. "Ready?"

"Yeah, your father knocked on my door like 40 minutes ago, asking me to get ready and come wake you up. He's already with Vince, but there's a car waiting for us."

"Sure, busy dad. I'll get ready, then." I sighed.

Something in between 20 and 30 minutes, and I was ready. Had a shower, put clothes and make up on, and now I was sitting down and lacing my shoes. Then we went to the car, linking arms as girls usually do (felt weird doing that for the first time, but at the same time, really nice), then we talked a lot about random stuff, till we got to the arena. We went searching for Hunter, and found him sitting beside the ring, so he walked towards us.

"You'll wrestle Nattie. Get ready, Vince had to do some stuff, but he'll be here within 15 minutes." He said.

I nodded yes, before stretching with AJ's help, then we sat down on the ring to talk. That's when I saw a redheaded girl walking towards us with a gigantic smile. Oh, great. Eva. I kinda rolled my eyes as she approached us.

"Hey, guys." She said, still holding that smile.

"Turn off the cameras." Hunter said, to the camera man. Total Divas, yeah. "Hello, Eva. What are you doing here?"

"Came to train..." She shrugged.

"We let it clear there wouldn't be any today. My daughter's using the ring." He said. I kind of liked how 'rude' he sounded. Guess this is where my strong personality comes from?

"Oh, so this is your daughter?" She looked at me. "Means I'm not the newbie anymore?"

"No, sweetheart, Katie can wrestle. She's already in the main roster." AJ said, giving her a fake smile.

Eva stared at me in surprise, so I smirked.

"Hunter!" Nattie called, approaching us with a big smile. "Hi, Kate. Hello, AJ. Eva."

"Ready to get your ass kicked?" I smirked.

"Oh, hon, you better get ready." She chuckled.

"It's nice to meet you, Nattie, really." I smiled.

"It's nice to meet you too! I didn't know Hunter had a daughter your age, if I did, I'd help you out with your training and all."

"Yeah, no one knew." I smiled awkwardly.

Then I saw Vince coming... My heart skipped a beat and I stood up; AJ held my hand and I smiled, looking at her.

"So, this is our new girl?" He smiled, offering a hand towards me. "Nice to meet you, Katherine."

"Call me Kate, sir." I shook his hand, with a smile as well.

"Hunter wouldn't stop talking about you, and I got a bit anxious to meet you. You're prettier than I thought." He smiled.

"Oh, thanks." I blushed slightly, and Hunter chuckled.

"You know all of my girls are beautiful, did you think it came only from Steph's side?" Hunter joked, and Vince laughed.


"So, let's get started with the match?" Nattie asked.

"Sure thing!" Vince shook his head yes.

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