Chapter 34

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"We... We were just trying to give our sister a friend..." We could hear Bray's voice, waiting for our cue. "More like a toy." He added, before laughing. "Isn't it... Sad, that they just left? They didn't even give us chance to explain why we were here and why our sister had traveled from so far. It made us mad. And even worst! It hurt her." He said, in a bitter tone. "You see... Our sister is a fragile little thing... Yes, she is. But she's also powerful when she needs to-"

Our song hit and we started our way through the crowd, me leading the 'pack', just stopping so Jon could help me jump the barricade.

Seth stomped his way and grabbed the mics for us, and we stopped when we were in the ring.

Becky, or Abigail from now on, was sitting on the rocking chair, on Bray's lap, with Eric and Luke on each site. She was staring at me, and I stared back at her as well.

"Does she wanna play?" Jon spat, before starting pacing around. "Do you think this is some kind of park? My girl isn't a kid!" He yelled, pointing at me, and Seth looked at him from the corner of his eyes as Jon said 'my girl', and pulled me to him.

"Dean's right. She doesn't need a little friend. She's got me. She's got Dean. And she's got Roman." He said, still kind of staring at Jon, who stared back.

"And besides, the only girl I'd ever need..." I let go of Seth, slowly walking near Bray and Abigail, staring deadly into her eyes. "Is AJ. Who's not someone who claims to have a dead girl's spirit inside her." I said, dropping the mic, and pulling Becky by the hair, making her fall from Bray's lap and fall on the mat.

I stomped her nonstop, and then felt a hold around my waist as I tried to kick her one more time. "Let me go!" I yelled, looking at Eric and Luke taking Abigail and Bray from the ring.

Whoever was holding me - I didn't have time to check who was it- let me go, so I grabbed the mic.

"I don't need a friend, indeed, but you have gone far your limits!" I spat, holding on the ropes and staring at the four of them. "I want a match! On Battleground! Me and her!"

I tried to escape the ring, but felt a hold on my waist again, this time it was Seth. "You'll get what you want." He whispered on my ear.

"There's a condition, tho." Bray said, breathing heavy. "We want The Shield." He stared at us.

"We accept." Dean said, husky.

Bray laughed maniacally and the four of them walked back to backstage.

I felt Jon grabbing my hand, and Seth slowly let go of me, the two of them staring at each other, and then Roman called us.

We left the ring, going through the crowd and then back to the gorilla.

"That was... Good." I smiled at The Wyatts.

"Indeed it was." Becky chuckled, fixing her hair.

"I see the two of you becoming friends." Bray smirked.

Me and Becky gave each other a small smile.

"I'm having a promo toniiight." I heard AJ's voice, singing as she skipped towards us and wrapped her arms around me. "Right before the main event."

"We'll, we're going. See y'all soon." Bray smiled, and they left.

"Byyye." AJ sang, before rolling her eyes.

"What?" Seth rose a brow.

"I see the two of you becoming friends." She rolled her eyes again.

"Seriously?" I smirked. "No one's taking me from you, dumbass." I hugged her.

"And if that happens, I'm killing both of you. Don't want a Catwoman between the two of us, nope."

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