Chapter 13

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We were still laughing about the Seth thing, when the boys stopped and in the background I heard a voice I knew very well, asking someone about me, and the person said 'over there'. Roman gave me a small smile, and I turned around, feeling every muscle of my body tensing, and then I saw Stephanie McMahon walking towards me with a smile. Oh, shit. From now on, I'd have to remember that she's my step mother. As soon as she approached me, I gave her a small smile.

"H-hello, Stephanie." I said.

"Oh, please, call me Steph. Paul has been telling me about you nonstop, and, God! You've got his looks!" She chuckled.

Do I look like Hunter? I... I'm not sure. Maybe she was just trying to be nice and make conversation with me, so, yeah...

"Hm... Thanks." I smiled again.

"I just saw you with The Shield, let me tell you, you did great. I can already say my father's not wasting the chance to have you in this company."

"And Hunter wouldn't let him." Jon smiled.

"You're right." She smiled. "So, I think the guys need some rest, why don't we get something to eat? I'd love to get to know you better, also."

"Uh, Jon, I..."

"It's fine, I'll wait in the locker room, you're driving back to the hotel with me. See you in a while, dear." He winked, before kissing my forehead.

Roman waved at me with a small smile, before they left, so I looked at Stephanie and smiled.

"I know you're probably nervous, but don't be." She smiled.

"Okay." I nodded, giving her a small smile.

While we walked towards catering, Stephanie told me about all the years Hunter spent talking to his lawyers about getting my guard, but all of them said he couldn't. I'd just listen carefully to what she was saying, and nod here and then. All the things she said made me feel bad about saying all of those things to Hunter. I was angry, yes, but I didn't have the right to. And Stephanie... She was being so nice. We sat down and got some fruits to eat, and I was actually having fun with her. She was really great, made me laugh now and then making fun of Hunter, and I really appreciated that. The thing about having a bad step mother had made me worried earlier, but now that I met her... It all changed.

After a while of sitting there, she squeezed my hand slightly.

"Look, I know you're still nervous about all of this going on, and probably scared about this big change, but I don't want you to think I'm being fake here. You're a great girl, Katherine, and I do hope we can be friends. We're family now, right? If you need anything, you can talk to me. I'm sure it's hard for you to deal with all of this pressure, I mean, I'd freak out if my mother died and this complete stranger came up to me saying he's my dad and he's taking me to live with him..." She chuckled. "I understand if you don't want to move right away to our house. You can stay in a hotel if you want, but just know we got a room specially made for you ever since we moved to a bigger house. My daughters know about you, and now that they know you're finally coming home, you can't imagine how they're excited to meet their big sister. We'll be waiting for you, but everything on your own pace." She smiled, standing up and kissing my cheek. "Now, you're probably tired of this old lady." She laughed. "I believe your friends are waiting, uh?"

I nodded yes and stood up, before looking over at her and giving a smile. "Thanks, Stephanie. Means a lot." I said, giving her a hug.

Waving her goodbye, I made my way to look for Jon. He was with AJ and the guys, sitting on a hallway near the divas locker room. I hugged them with a big smile and after taking my bag, we went back to the hotel. I took a shower pretty quick and we packed up, because next flight was in a few hours.

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