Chapter 8

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As I walked back to my hotel room, I couldn't keep the smile out of my face. I guess this week would be nice, after all. I was getting along with Triple H, already had friendships, or at least I thought I did, and better yet, with some of the wrestlers I loved the most. Obviously, I wanted to talk to most of them, but, well... Hunter would probably freak out if I did bring them all to my room.

But, hell, I missed Aaron and David so much and... Oh, fuck, I forgot to call Aaron!

I ran to my room, closed the door behind me and grabbed my cellphone. There was a thousand of lost calls and texts from Aaron. How nice of me, uh? Was in a room with tons of hot guys I could drool over, while my boyfriend was worried, and probably really mad at me. I took a deep breath, before calling him back.

"Katherine Schneider! What the fuck happened?!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Hunter just picked me up before Raw and I forgot my phone here and..." I took a deep breath.


"I KNOW! Now, could we stop fucking yelling?!"

"Sorry. I was just worried and then I saw you on TV and I was just... Wow!"

"I know... It was insane, wasn't it?" I smiled.

"Of course! So... How is it like... To be Triple H's daughter?"

"It's..." I heard a knock on the door. "Listen, I'll call you back, okay?"

I hang up before he could even say anything, and rushed to the door, only to meet a totally handsome Dean Ambrose standing outside the door, with that smile he had, showing his dimples and... I totally forgot how to breath.

"I invited Punk, Randal and Sheamus. Thought you'd like it." He smiled, before looking inside the room. "Can I come in?"

"Sure." I walked back into the room, and after he walked in, he closed the door. "So, what are we gonna do?"

"I dunno. I ordered pizza. Is that okay for you?" He plopped himself on my bed.

"Of course." I smiled, sitting down on the couch. Yes, the hotel room had a freaking couch. I mean... Hell, that must be really expensive and I'm just so excited but so uncomfortable 'cause, y'know, I'm not even a diva yet, so... Dammit. "Did you tell the guys they're my favorite?"

"Nope. I thought you'd like to do that." He shrugged. "So, did you talk to your father?"

"Yep." I nodded.


"We're fine. I mean, he's not that bad." I smiled.

"We're coming in..." Punk opened the door, holding a big bottle of Pepsi, while Randy and Sheamus were right behind him, both of them with beer and pizza. I smiled. I'm totally falling for these guys.

"Hey, you guys!" I chuckled.

They all put the stuff somewhere, before finding a spot to sit down.

"So, you guys brought me pizza and Pepsi, can I already marry the four of you?" I laughed.

"And beers. But, yes, I'm totally up to marry you." Randy nodded, with a chuckle.

"I don't drink, Randal, and I'm only 17..." I laughed. "Almost 18, tho."

"Yes, one more to my team! Told you I should bring Pepsi for more than one." Punk laughed.

"Straight Edge high-five, come on!" I laughed, highfiving him, so everyone laughed as well.

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