Chapter 23

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Monday morning and I woke up already feeling goosebumps just with the thought that I'd be live on Raw as part of The Shield. I was kinda nervous, but made sure to try and calm myself. I took a quick breakfast, then Shea picked me up at home to go to the gym, then we'd wait for the guys.

"I can't barely lift half of that!" I laughed as he lifted weight.

He only chuckled softly and shook his head. I told him about my weekend, how it was at Hunter's, the ranch, coffee with Punk and the movie night.

"We should go out for something too." He said, putting the weight down. "We haven't done anything together."

"I know! We totally should. Suggestions?" I smiled.

"Go to the closest Irish restaurant and stuff ourselves." He smirked.

"I'm in!" I laughed softly. "Just don't feel embarrassed if I happen to eat way more than you." I winked.

"Oh, c'mon, we'll see about that." He chuckled.

"Hey..." It was Jon's voice. He put an arm around me, kissing my cheek.

"Hey, there." I chuckled.

"How are you today?"

"Good, excited for Raw."

"Me too." He winked. "I'll go get changed, be right back."

I sat down next to Sheamus, watching as he lifted his weights. Part of me was wondering how did he do that with such ease, and part of me... Well, part of me was drooling over him.

"Enjoying the view?" AJ whispered on my ear, smirking.

"My ovaries are about to explode." I whispered back, shaking my head, so she laughed and kissing my cheek, skipping towards the bathroom to get change.

"Everyone's late today." Shea shook his head, taking a towel to wipe away the sweat and a bottle of water. "We're done, and those jerks are not even here yet."

"Bet Punk and Randy are still sleeping." I chuckled.

"Oh, damn, here comes the douche." Sheamus muttered, rolling his eyes, so I looked the way he was, only to see Dolph Ziggler.

He walked towards me with a smile, and for a moment I regretted saying yes, but in the other way... Well, he was good looking, right?

"Everything okay for lunch?" He asked, walking by us and leaving as I said 'sure'.

"I'm snapping his neck if he tries anything." Sheamus said.

"No worries, I will too." I chuckled.

"Isn't it weird that Punk and Randy aren't here already? Punk's never late." He sat down, finishing his bottle of water.

"I know..." I shrugged.

"Alright, let's train!" Jon said, stopping beside us.

"You're late, man, we're over already." Sheamus chuckled, brows raised.

"That can't be true... I didn't take that long."

"Yup, you did." I chuckled. "Up for a double, Shea?" I smirked.

"Count me in." He smirked as well.

The three of us waited for AJ and then started the train all again. We made some different moves, but it was basically the same as what we were doing before. When we were done, I could barely feel my legs and arms, but it was totally worth it. I went to the bathroom with AJ, so we took a shower, then met Jon and Shea outside the men's bathroom.

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