Chapter 31

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"Get over it, Nikki." I rolled my eyes at the twins. "A match won't hurt, but, let's face it, it's me you want, not AJ. Look, even if you got the match, you'd never get this belt." I pointed at AJ's belt, before wrapping an arm around her.

"Do you really think so? Just 'cause you're daddy's little girl, do you really think you'll stop me from getting what I deserve?" She stepped closer to us, but Brie held her arm.

"Well, I can do whatever I want." I shrugged.

"It's fine, Katie." AJ smiled at me, before stepping closer to Nikki. "We're doing it. Just so I'll show you and everyone else that this is mine and won't leave my waist if not to someone that really deserves it." She spat, so I smirked. Look at my girl go.

"You really want that?" I asked AJ, so she looked back at me and nodded yes. "Get ready to get your ass beaten on Battleground, Nikki." I laughed, letting the mic fall to the floor and getting out of the ring, followed by a skipping AJ.

The two of us went to the gorilla and met the guys. After me and Randy talked and decided to try this relationship thing, we walked back to my locker room and told the guys. Everyone looked really happy for us, and after Shea, Punk and Jon told Randy that if he hurt me, they'd kill him, they congratulated us.

"You did great." Randy said, kissing my forehead, so I smiled.

"Next: The Shield." Jon said.

"This thing with The Wyatts is getting boooring." I sighed.

"Well, not anymore." I heard the husky voice behind us and turned around to see Bray Wyatt with his crazy smile towards us. "We're bringing Sister Abigail to this world, and The Shield will be the first to meet her." And after a laugh, he walked away.

"Can someone tell him that we don't need to walk around in our gimmicks?" AJ raised an eyebrow.

"He's weird." Shea shook his head, so I nodded yes. "Who's Sister Abigail, anyways? I thought it was some kind of ghost or something."

"Me too." Randy shrugged, wrapping his arm around my waist. "They'll probably bring someone from NXT to pretend it's her."

"I'd say Paige, but she's got the Women's Belt, so, nah." Punk raised an eyebrow.

"And Emma's already in the main roster, but, seriously. No." AJ chuckled.

"I guess we'll have to wait, uh?" Jon shook his head. "Whoever it is, The Shield's not letting the ghost touch our princess." He winked at me.

"Excuse me, I'm a Queen." I joked, so he laughed.

"Alright, my Queen." He bowed playfully, so I chuckled.

"Shield's up next!" Someone from the crew yelled.

"See you in a while." Randy smiled, kissing my forehead.

"Good luck out there with the Sister Abigail." Punk said, pretending to be scared, so we all laughed.

"Seriously, tho, who could it be?" I heard AJ asking, as I followed Jon, skipping a bit to reach him and grabbing his arm.

"Congrats on the thing with Randy." He smiled.

"Thanks." I forced a smile, looking up at him. "Well, now, sir, protect me from the ghost girl." I chuckled, before we stopped beside Seth and Roman. "Hey, guys, how was the weekend?" I smiled.

"Pretty fun." Roman smiled. "Took my daughter to Disney."

"Dinner with Leigh, nothing out of the ordinary, but fun anyways." Seth shrugged. What a goddamn miracle! Seth Rollins was actually talking to me! "What about you and Jon? You two went to Ohio, right?"

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