Chapter 5

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So, Dean took me by the hand again. I guess I was starting to get used to that, by now, but well, people never held my hand, so I still felt a bit... Weird. I don't think I've held anyone else's hand other than Dave, mom and Aaron's hand... Oh, well. Now I've held two stranger's hands... Both of them, men I idolized. We sat down in a few chairs, next to a TV and watched the show. That's when Seth Rollins approached us. He just nodded at me, and I did the same, and then he called Dean a few steps ahead. After talking a bit, and Dean looking unsure, they came back.

"Who's your favorite?" Dean asked.


"Just say a name."

"Sheamus." I said, shrugging.

"Come." He took my hand again, walking faster towards the locker room while Seth followed the both of us and I stared at him wanting to know what the heck was happening. He stopped by the door, opened it and called Sheamus. Seconds later, the big pale irish guy appeared on the door with an adorable smile.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"Hunter said I can't live her alone, so, can you stay with her for a while? Vince called me to his office." Dean said.

"I'm not a kid, I can take care of myself!" I pulled my hand from his.

"No problems." Sheamus smiled.

Dean looked back at me and smirked.

"I'll be back in ten, cupcake." He smiled and walked away, Seth following along.

"Don't call me cupcake!" I yelled at him, only to hear his laugh, so I rolled my eyes. "Fuck."

"He's an asshole, uh?" Sheamus chuckled.

"Yeah. I guess everyone here is, except for AJ." I shrugged.

"Am I supposed to get offended?"

"No! Sorry... I mean, we barely talked and..." I blushed.

"It's fine. People around here are weird when you're here for the first time." He smiled, so I nodded. "Wanna come in or what?" He pointed towards the door.

"I'm not sure if that's uh... A good idea."

"Why not? We don't bite." Sheamus chuckled.

"Yes, but... Hunter won't like it."

"Yeah, sure, I don't want to get you into trouble." He smiled.

"Yeah..." I said, but thought about it for a while. Hell, why would I care what Hunter would say? "Y'know, I don't think that's a bad idea at all." I shrugged.

"You decided." He smiled, before opening the door, and walking in with me.

All those stares again, and I sat down where he did. It still felt weird. Please, someone say something.

"So, where's your bodyguard?" Dolph raised an eyebrow.

"I'm taking care of her now." Sheamus replied, raspy. 

"Don't worry, Shea, we're not gonna hurt her." Randy said, looking at me. "I suppose you know everyone here, right?"

"Yeah." I nodded.

"There's just one question we all want to ask." Punk started, running a hand through his hair. "Who's your favorite? Besides your father, of course."

"I don't really have favorites." I shrugged. I'm not gonna give any of you the taste of being my favorite, not for now.

"And why?" Cody raised an eyebrow. 

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