Chapter 44

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"Wake up!" He said, in a rushed whisper as he shook me.

"Are we here?" I looked around, looking at the people walking out of the plane.

"Yup. Welcome to Vegas." He smiled, and I looked through the window. Yes, we were in Vegas!

"Fuck fuck fuck! Can I go to casinos? Like, the Hard Rock Cafe? Pluheaseee!" I begged.

"Tomorrow." He laughed. "You got a match tonight." Jon winked, standing up.

The PPV was in Vegas; my big match, the one I'd get my very first belt. Hoooooly fuck! I could barely believe it was all happening. I still felt as if this was some... Kind of dream? Yes, a dream. I just wished so much to never wake up and be stuck forever in this dream.

Jon drove us to the hotel, and as soon as I got there, I ran to Randy's room, walking in without even knocking and jumping into his arms, giving him a very tight hug and a long kiss.

"It's the night!" He said, as I pulled away a little, before chuckling and pecking my lips again. "You're gonna be the Champ tonight!" He spun me around as I laughed.

"Isn't this the best night ever?" We turned around to see Jon, leaving my bag on the floor and smiling.

"Yeah." Randy half smiled. "Took good care of my girl?"

"Of course, Mr. Orton!" Jon rolled his eyes.

"You're here!" Now it was AJ's voice as she ran to me.

Randy let go of me and AJ jumped into my arms and I watched as Shea walk in as well, with a big smile across his face.

"Little princess!" He hugged me and AJ. "How was Con? Hope you're well rested for tonight."

"I am!" I chuckled. "But I'm so anxious and so nervous and I-"

"Sh!" AJ put her finger on my lips. "Just shut the fuck up 'cause we know you're gonna do great!" She hugged me again. "I missed you!"

"I missed you too." I smiled.

"So, everyone's here now." Randy said, sitting down. "What we will do before driving to the arena?"

"Ordering pizza and talking about the matches as if we were still fans." Jon laughed, grabbing his phone.

"Yay!" AJ jumped on the bed.


Things were actually strange; I mean, we did nothing out of the ordinary: we called Punk, discussed the matches, ate pizza, joked, and all of that. But there was some weird thing between me, Randy and Jon. Like, I had been spending so much time with Jon, that it felt weird to be actually sitting away from him. Even if I had my boyfriend's arms around me. It was if... It wasn't Randy there. Like, what was happening?

We all got ready, grabbed our stuff and got into the car, driving to the arena in silence. It was like a moment to rethink everything that happened that lead to this moment; the pay per view night. The feuds, the promos, the storylines... Everything rushed in our minds and it was hard to talk.

"Oh, Katie, your father's calling you and Dean at his office." A woman from the staff told me, as soon as I walked into my locker room. I nodded and she left.

"Oh my God." I said, taking a deep breath.

"Calm down, it's probably to discuss the match." Randy kissed my forehead.

"Let's go, then?" Jon smiled.

I nodded yes and we started our way to the office, knocking slightly on the door and opening it. Paige was sitting down, and Hunter motioned for us to walk in.

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