Chapter 15

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As expected, it was Hunter on the door. He gave a good look inside the room, with one of his brows raised, and then just stopped to look at me as if saying it was time to go. I knew he'd talk to me later about the beds together and we all there, just me and AJ and that bunch of guys. I quickly took my stuff, hugged AJ and the guys while they said they'd see me soon, and then left with Hunter. It was a pretty quiet ride, and I stared outside the black windows of the car, quite nervous, actually. I knew for sure I'd end up missing the guys a lot, even if it's been only a couple of days with them, but being alone in Hunter's house seemed to be a bit... Awkard?

I ended up sleeping the whole flight, and Hunter woke me up when we were already in the airport, and still in silence, he drove us to his house. I had my bags in hand, walking inside and looking all around that gigantic living room and the stairs leading to the second floor... It was so much more then I had at home and I didn't know if I'd get used to this, actually. Soon, these three little girls came rushing down the stairs and jumped into Steph and Hunter's arms, who left all of their bags fall to the floor, hugging their daughters. Of course, my half sisters: Aurora, Murphy, and the little Vaughn. I had heard of these three so much, but never expected to really meat them, I mean... No fan would ever get close to their family like that and... Shit, I'm not only a fan.

With curious eyes, I watched as they hugged each other, with big smiles on their faces. For a few moments I didn't think they'd actually like me, nor that I'd fit in their perfect family. I mean, I'm just an outsider, right? I wear these punk rock clothes, ripped and dirty jeans, and they wear fancy clothes, the girls wear pink dresses and look like princesses... How would I even fit in here? Even in this house... It looks like a dollhouse and I'm just this outsider...

"Did they behave?" Stephanie asked, and that's when I noticed Linda McMahon standing right beside the couple and their children. I turned my attention towards them.

"They always do." Linda chuckled.

"Who are you?" I heard the soft voice and looked down as she pulled on my sleeve. It was Murphy, her little eyes gazed right in mine. She was so pretty... I didn't quite know what I was supposed to do, but I actually smiled and knelt in front of her.

"I'm Katherine, but you can call me Katie, actually. I'm..." I stopped, looking up at Hunter.

"She's... She's your older sister." Steph said, offering a warm smile towards me.

"Sister?" Aurora asked in confusion.

"Yes." Hunter stepped towards me, putting an arm around my shoulder. At this moment I felt they wouldn't accept me, they're kids, how would they understand such a thing? I didn't understand, after all. "She had to be away for a few years, but now she's here." He smiled towards the three of them.

"So it means she'll play dolls with us?" Vaughn asked, of course, with her baby's little accent, messing up the words, and looking up at me.

"Sure." I smiled, feeling as my heart beat faster. Then they looked at each other for a few seconds and opened a big smile, now looking at me with their child features.

"Nice!" Aurora giggled. "Come! We'll show you our toys!" She grabbed my hand, rushing me towards the stairs.

I left my bag on the floor and followed them, but before we actually reach the stairs, Vaughn opened her arms as if to tell me to pick her up, so I did. They were so innocent... This attitude towards me made me hold back some tears, realizing how dumb I was.

The three of them had each a room, but there was a room specially for their toys. It was white and pink, filled with doll, dollhouses, unicorns and so many toys... There was this special area for their WWE toys. I sat down with them beside this little table with cups of tea and all, and Vaughn reached for one, looking closely as her sisters took three dolls.

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