Chapter 28

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After a shower, I put my clothes on and looked at myself in the mirror, considering blow drying my hair or not, so I just gave a shrug, took a towel and walked out of the bathroom, using the towel to dry my hair a bit.

"So, where do you wanna go first?" Jon asked, sitting down on my bed and smiled.

"Well... What about grocery store, buy lots of stuff, make a dinner with David and all?" I smiled as well, sitting down beside him.

"That sounds great for me." He chuckled.

So, as we walked downstairs, David was in the kitchen, reading his newspaper. I told him about our idea of making dinner, and he agreed, saying he thought about taking us to a restaurant, but staying home was a better idea because we'd get to talk a lot and all. And besides, it was way more comfortable, right? So me and Jon borrowed his car, went to the grocery and bought enough stuff for a great dinner. He actually knew how to cook some weird stuff, but nothing I really liked, so had to look online for some recipes. Neither me or David could cook that well, also, so the three of us had a little bit of work, but it ended up being perfect because we had fun.

"Yeah, I was in the locker, taking care of my own business." Jon shrugged, taking a bite of his meat. "Then Hunter walks in and everybody looks, because, well, boss," he chuckled, "but right behind him was this beautiful girl and I looked over to Seth, wondering who was that. Hunter just spilled right away that she was his daughter, we were all surprised." He laughed softly. "Then I was even more when he called me."

"So, he had to be my body guard for the night." I completed. "Turns out he still is." I chuckled.

"It's good that he had someone taking care of you." David smiled at me, before looking at Jon. "This young lady is a damn magnet for trouble." He laughed softly.

"C'mon, I don't need a babysitter." I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, it's true I almost got in trouble with Nikki, but-"

"You what?" David stared at me.

"I don't even remember what happened... We just had a bit of..."

"An argument. First day. Me and AJ kinda defended her a little." Jon chuckled.

"So, being the boss' daughter doesn't really prevent you from trouble with other Divas?" David joked.

"Nikki didn't know Hunter would fire her in the blink of an eye if she laid her hands on Katie." Jon shrugged.

"So, he's protecting her?"

"Yeah, Vince and Hunter have been doing a lot for me..."

"She's got her own locker room now. That's like... Nobody has one, unless they're pretty big superstars. And John Cena, of course." Jon rolled his eyes.

"Daddy's little princess, uh?" David chuckled. "I was watching when he introduced you. That was a regular show, and then suddenly, there's my little girl walking with The Shield! And that promo? Goddamn it, Katie, when would we dream you'd have a promo with CM Punk?"

"I know! It was just so fucking awesome! I was shaking as soon as I got out." I laughed. "Of course he took it easy on me, but, yeah."

"You two had chemistry, you should do that again." David chuckled. "But I heard you're friends with all of your guys now. Lucky, uh?" He winked.

"Can you even believe that? Oh! I spent last weekend at Shawn's ranch. Never in my life I thought I'd step a foot in that place, now I have my own horse over there! And my sisters! They're the cutest, you gotta meet them!"

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