Chapter 25

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We were waiting for the hairdresser to curl my hair and AJ's, when Alanna asked Randy if she could put make up on too, so he raised an eyebrow at her, before shaking his head.

"You can do that later." He said.

"But I want now, like Katie's." She pouted, crossing her arms over her chest.

I had black smokey eyes and red lipstick, so again, Randy raised an eyebrow.

"You're too young to have make up like Katie's." He said, and she pouted again.

"I can manage that later." I winked at her and she smiled, while Randy raised an eyebrow at me this time. "Don't worry." I chuckled, so he smiled and shook his head.

"Here are our storylines." I heard Jon's voice behind me, so he stopped by my side to read as well. He was still acting a bit awkwardly, but I was pretending I didn't realize.

"So, we've got something fun here... Jon facing Randy. You got Nikki and Brie with you." I looked up at Randy.

"Carry on..."

"Nikki's attacking me, then Seth, Dean and Roman will attack you."

"Anything else?" Punk asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm having a match." I smiled. "Me and my wifey AJ Lee," I wrapped my arm around hers, "against the Bella Twins." I smirked.

"Look at you, having a match on Raw." Sheamus smirked.

"Tell me I won't be doing anything to help them attack you." Randy sighed.

"They didn't write anything about it." I shrugged.

"And why The Bellas with me, anyways? That's so random."

"That's so Katie can start a feud, dumbass." Punk shrugged.

"Randy." We turned around to see Brie. "We have the first segment." She said, handing him some papers.

"Okay, see you and Nicole later." He said, and she left.

After me and AJ were done, all of us went to my locker room to wait. Now, usually Jon sat down beside me, but this time it seemed like he was a bit awkward, so, since he didn't, Punk took his place. I'd have to apologize later for being so childish and making a scene.

Shea turned on the TV, then sat down in front of me on the floor while we watched, waiting for our turns. So, first there was Cena with a promo (about his belts, of course), because he was the champ. Jon, Randy and Punk were all in the scene to try and get them, so, I believe there would be a match today to decide who was fighting Punk on Smackdown, since he was the #1 contender.

After the first and second match, Randy left to his segment, and then the camera guy came in, telling everyone to leave the locker 'cause me and AJ had the segment there. The guys stood outside, while I sat down, lacing my boots. First the camera was on my name on the door, and then AJ knocked and stepped in with her little smile.

"Hello?" I raised an eyebrow towards her, standing up.

"Hi!" She smiled, her belt on her shoulder. "I'm..."

"AJ Lee. I know." I shrugged. "Are you here because...? I mean, you know who I am, right? I think my father told you girls that I did not want to be disturbed before the show."

"Yeah, I..." AJ forced a smile. "You're Triple H's daughter, I know. I'm sorry for interrupting you, I just thought I'd be the first to welcome you, since I'm the Champ... Y'know, I see you're nothing like those plastic Barbies over the Diva's locker room, so, yeah. I was wondering when you're gonna wrestle. I bet you're gonna kick their asses." She smirked.

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