Chapter 18

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When we got back to the house, I excused myself to take a shower, and then got back to the living room and watched TV for a few minutes. Soon, everyone was back and we sat down to have dinner. They wouldn't stop talking and laughing about a lot of things, and Shawn would tell me stuff about Hunter, then they started talking about DX and I was so happy, I mean, I was a fan hearing about them first hand. What else would I want in life?!

"I want to be a wrestler too!" Au said.

"You can. And one day, the four of you will own that company. Just like me and dad." She said, and then it hit me. Four? Like in the four of us, Aurora, Murphy, Vaugh and me?

"But when can we start?" Mur asked.

"In a few years." Hunter chuckled, ruffling her hair.

After finishing dinner, I walked back to my room. I felt so happy that my face hurt from smiling so much. All I wanted was to share with someone how wonderful was my day, and who would be better than my own boyfriend? God, how I missed Aaron. I wished he could be here presence all of this by my side. I decided to call him and tell about my day. It took him a few to reply, I almost thought he wouldn't.

"Yeah." He replied, making me stop for a bit. What was going on?

"Aaron? It's me... Katie..."

"Yeah, I know."

"Aaron, is there something wrong?"


"Are you sure? 'Cause you've been ac-"

"No, Katherine. There is nothing wrong. Why are you even asking? Aren't you having your fun with your rich daddy and all those guys?"

"What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"Look, I'm just tired. You know why? 'Cause you're there and you didn't even bother bringing me along. You're hired, and me? Never thought about me for one second. I thought, okay, I'll be with her so she'll bring me along and make me a famous wrestler. But you're not even bothering."

"What are you talking about?"

"We're done. That's it. I talked to Annie today, and I realized she's way better than you for me. Look, I gave you a chance to fix things with me but all you care about is your precious Dean Ambrose and those other guys. I was with you only for the job, anyways. I'll see you when I get my so deserved job in the WWE."

"So that's it? You were with me just so I could get you a job?! Well, guess what, Aaron, you're never getting a job here and my father will make sure to never let you step in a company's ring ever again. You're ruined, you hear me? But no worries, you can go fuck Annie in a filthy hotel room you manage to pay, while I'll be sleeping with Dean Ambrose, or Randy Orton, if I want to, getting championships on my waist and my face on TV." I spoke calmly, just so he knew I meant every word. I could feel the veins on my neck pump harder with all the anger boiling inside of me, but I had to make sure he wouldn't see this side of me. "Have a great life being poor, fucktard." And then I hang up, taking a deep breath and closing my eyes.

I couldn't control my tears any longer, so I laid down in bed and quietly let it go, trying to breath deeply, but failing everytime. My chest felt tight, and I knew I had to stop crying or someone would hear me. But then the door opened, and as soon as I saw Hunter's face, I stood up and ran to his arms and I couldn't hold it back any longer. He closed the door behind me and sat me down on the bed, hugging me tighter.

"Katie, sweetheart, what's wrong?" He asked, but I couldn't stop choking on my tears, so I shook my head no.

I knew he was worried, so I took a deep breath and looked up, wiping my tears away and then looking at him.

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