Chapter 41

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"That was a hell of a match!" AJ clapped her hands slightly, before hugging Jon. "Congrats, Champ!"

"Thanks." He smiled, before looking down at his belt. "Shit, it's heavier than I thought." He joked.

"You'll get used." Randy smiled. "That was awesome, really."

"That's what I'm talking about! Thought you guys would do something like Cena kind of match, but no. You know what was fun to see? Both of Orton and Ambrose trying new moves to impress Katie." Punk laughed. "That was impressive."

"I know, okay. I'd have to choose in the end and I didn't know what to do." I joked, and we all laughed.

"But you better be ready, fella, when I come back from my concussion, I'm going after ya'." Shea winked.

After talking a bit more about the match, we all took showers and got ready to go back to the hotel. I had never seen Jon as happy as he was, and he seemed like a little kid that got exactly what they wanted on Christmas morning.

Randy was totally fine about the lost. I did think he'd be sad or something, but he was fine, making jokes and playing around with everyone, specially with Jon. He'd tell him how he'd be adored and hated by the WWE Universe, more than he ever been, and gave him advices.

It was so lovely to watch them talking like that.

As soon as we got to the hotel, we all left to our rooms. We were tired, and next morning we'd wake up early to gym, and then, getting ready for Raw.

I changed into my pj's and jumped into bed with Randy, smiling at him.

"You did a great job today." I said, before kissing him softly.

"You too." He smiled, cupping my cheek. "I can't deny I got a liiiitle bit jealous about that kiss, tho." He winked.


"Hey, it's your job." He kissed my forehead.

"Yeah, but... It still feels weird..." I chuckled. "I think I was too damn hyper and it just kind of happened..."

"Hey, you don't need to explain." He chuckled, pulling me closer to him. "He kissed you, but he doesn't have you every night..." He whispered on my ear, his hand going down my waist, under my shirt.

"I know..." I whispered back.

"Katie?" I heard Hunter's voice, followed by a knock on the door.

"Really?" Randy whispered.

I covered my face and chuckled, rushing to the door and opening it.

"Sorry, I know it's late but I just got back from a meeting with our writers." He said, rushing in, his hand fixing his tie. "Night, Randy. Great match." He nodded and sat down on the bed.

"Thanks, sir." Randy sat up and nodded as well, before looking at me confused.

Hunter gave up fixing his tie and took it off, before taking a deep breath.

"Is there anything wrong?" I sat down beside him, he looked like he was happy, but nervous at the same time, and I couldn't understand a thing.

"The original plan was having AJ against Paige in a brilliant feud but AJ's had the belt for a long time and tonight the board of direction had a great idea. I swear I had nothing to do with it because I know you love AJ as the champ." He said, not even taking breaks to breath.

"Hunter, calm down..." Randy chuckled. "What's going on?"

"Yeah, it sounds like you're scared or something..." I rose a brow.

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