Chapter 22

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Quickly, I got into my Misfits t shirt, 'cause I know Punk loved them, and put some make up on. When I was about to text him, I heard a car, so I rushed to the window. It was Punk, so I took my phone and ran out of the house, getting into the passenger's seat quickly, giggling as I closed the door.

"Please tell me your father didn't tell you couldn't come so now you're running away with me." He smirked.

"Isn't it every girl's dream to run away from dad with a tattooed hot guy?" I kissed his cheek and chuckled.

"What can I say." He smirked again, with a shrug.

"He isn't home so I guess it's not a problem." I shrugged. "To Starbucks?"

"To Starbucks." He smiled, driving away.

Punk drove pretty fast, so we got there pretty quick. I ordered a Frappuccino and he ordered the same, then we sat down, him across me so he could look at me as we talked.

"I missed you, y'know." He smiled.

"I missed you too." I smiled back. "Straight Edge buddy." I winked.

"Yeah..." He said, taking a sip of his drink. "So, you liked Shawn's ranch?"

"It was great." I smiled. "He gave me a horse. Can you believe it?"

"Horse? What?" He chuckled. "I want to see that. Oh, got a new necklace?"

"Yeah, Hunter gave me." I smiled. "I mean, it was in that box of stuff he sent me and..."

"Your mother sent back." He forced a smile. "I'm sorry about it all. I mean, everything... Your mom, your friend... Your boyfriend."

"It's fine..." I took a deep breath. "I'd be worse if I didn't have anything to keep me from thinking about it all, but I have you guys, my father, stepmom and my sisters. And you know, the job I've always wanted." I smiled, taking a sip of my drink."

"I know it must be hard, if you need anything, just let me know." He smiled. "But speaking of job... I was listening to music and found a great song for you." He smirked, taking his iPod and handing of of the earbuds to me. "Check it out."

I put it on and he pressed play, just as the song started playing, I could see myself walking into the ring with that song.

"That's it! That's my song! What is it? Let me see."

"All American Nightmare, Hinder. It matches you, it's awesome, you're gonna have a great entrance... What do you think?" He asked, putting the iPod back in his pocket.

"That is definitely my theme song!" I gave him a wide smile.

"Awesome, we're set then." He chuckled. "Anyways... Randy was there, wasn't he?" He started playing with his straw.

"Yeah, he said he wanted to make me a surprise." I smiled.

"Do you... Uh, y'know, do you guys have something... Going on?" He asked, seeming a bit embarrassed.

"No." I laughed. "Aaron just broke up with me, so, yeah, I don't see that happening soon. Why?"

"Oh, nothing. Nothing." He shrugged. "So you're not dating one of the guys secretly, right? Not even AJ?"

"Punk!" I chuckled. "If I date anyone, you'll be the first one to know. And no, not even AJ." I chuckled. "Y'know, there's something I actually wanted to ask..."

"Alright, just don't want to be the last one to find out, and, go ahead."

"Don't kill me, please, but... You and AJ... Like... Together? That could happen?"

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