Chapter 16

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After Hunter left, I took a good look at the box. I'd have tons of stuff to read, gifts to open... God knows what would I find in there... So I decided I would read one letter and open one gift everyday. Maybe a couple, I don't know... I closed it and placed underneath my bed, then went to take a long shower to relax. Then, I called Jon. I had to talk to someone, and he was the first one I could think of.

"I know it's fucking late, I'm sorry." I said, as soon as he picked up the phone.

"Hey, cupcake, what's up?"

"Nothing. I just... Hunter brought me the stuff he was meant to give me all of these years, I read one letter and I met my sisters."

"Did they like you? I heard they're all very nice little girls."

"Yeah, I think so. They're cute, very polite."

"I've seen them in the arena once, but didn't get to meet them. So, how's your room?"

"Huge." I chuckled. "Hunter said I can change anything I want to."

"Will you?"

"I guess... Maybe a black wall. News paper on one, write lyrics on it... Put some band posters on... I mean, my mother never let me go crazy with my room, I had some limits. I guess Hunter won't mind, right?"

"That sounds kinda punkish." He chuckled. "But I don't think he'll mind. Want some help? I can come over."

"Yeah, that would be great. Next week?"

"You mean you'll stay?"

"I... I don't know, Jon, I don't know. I don't want to leave David and Aaron behind. It's not right."

"They'll understand, Katie. You got a job now, met your father and all..."

"I don't know how I'd even tell them that I'm considering staying. Aaron's going to hate me, and David will be hurt. He'll hate me too."

"He wouldn't, he's your step father."

"Yeah, what about Aaron?"

"If he loves you, he'll understand too."

"Well, I'm not even sure if I love him."


"Yeah... It's been a few weeks since we've been together. I've had a crush on him for a while now, but... I don't know."

"I understand."

"Well, I guess I should go to sleep. I'm tired and I want to go to bed."

"Sing me to sleep."

"Sing me to sleep..." I whispered, before chuckling. "I miss this song."

"I'll sing for you if we sleep in the same room."



"I'll talk to you tomorrow, Jon. Good night."

"Alright, sleep well."

He hang up, so I threw my phone on the bed, then looked around the room. It was bigger than my living room, oh God. It'd be a mess soon, I knew it. 

It was probably time for breakfast when I woke up with Aurora jumping on the bed. I sat up, looking around the room a little to recall last night, and then smiled as she sat down on my lap.

"Can we play?" She asked.

"Now? Isn't too early?" I chuckled, reaching for my cellphone. "It's 8am, sweet heart, I'm still kind of asleep."

"That's what mom said." She chuckled.

"Well, we're kinda in the same job, y'know. Your mom and dad take care of your grand parents's company, right?" I asked, so she nodded yes. "You know what people do in there, right?"

"They wrestle and the whole world watches. Dad takes me, Vaugh and Murphy to work with him sometimes. What do you do in there?"

"I wrestle. Like your parents used to."

"Why don't you call them mom and dad like us?" She raised an eyebrow.

"It's... Complicated. I promise I'll explain to you, but not today, okay?" I chuckled, ruffling her hair, so she giggled.


"Yes, Au?"

"When I grow up, will I be pretty like you?"

"Like me?" I smiled. "Nah. You'll be way prettier than me. Like your mom. And you'll break every boys heart!" I laughed softly. "I guess I'll brush my teeth, I'll be right back." I smiled, placing her on the bed and walking towards the bathroom. A few minutes later, when I came back, she wasn't there anymore. "Aurora?" I called.

Since she didn't answer, I shrugged it off and laid down again and took my cellphone.

"Katie?" Aaron answered. This time, quicker.

"Yeah, me... I'm at Hunter's. I met my sisters. You should've seen them, they're the cutest."

"Yeah, I've seen some pictures."

"Is everything okay?"


"Oh, God. Did I do something? I mean, you're acting weird."

"No, Katie, you did nothing. I'm just really tired. I'll call you later, okay? Bye." And before I even replied, he hung off. 

I took a deep breath, letting go of my phone. He was totally weird. Did I do something? He never acted like that before. Damn.

"I grabbed some mil for us." It was Aurora, walking in with two glasses.

"Oh! Thank you very much!" I smiled, taking the glasses for her so she could sit down beside me, then handed one to her and took a sip of mine. "So, what do you guys do to have fun over here?"

"Hm... Me, Murphy and Vaugh play... Swim, watch cartoons... Grandma takes us to Disney, too..."

"Disney? That's awesome!"

"Have you been there to?"

"Nah, I lived too far away." I chuckled.



"Oh, that's really far." 

"A bit." I chuckled.

We finished our milks and I laid down, so she did the same and started playing with my hair. When I realized, she was sleeping, so I decided to take a nap as well. I turned off the lights and laid down again. 

I woke up when Hunter walked into the room, opening the curtains.

"Time to wake up, girls." He said.

"Oh, no, daddy, five more minutes." Au muttered, snuggling closer to me.

"No, you slept too much, Au, let's go." He chuckled.

"What time is it?" I asked, rubbing my face.

"Almost eleven."

"Oh, God." I sat up. "C'mon, sweetie, it's too late." I chuckled.

"See? Katie's up too. Mom's waiting for us to get breakfast." He said.

"Uh, okay, fine." She yawned.


Sooooo, Aaron being weird, Jon being cute... Au is just so lovely, oh God. It is a very small chapter, I know, but please don't forget to vote, comment, and maybe share with a friend, uh? 

Tell me why you think Aaron's being weird, maybe? Lol

See you all next chapter <3

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