Chapter 11

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When my belly started hurting from laughing, I just looked at AJ, making a serious face, so she stopped and looked at me as well.

"What if I really make it to the main roster, as a wrestler..." I said, so she turned on her side and nodded, waiting for me to continue. "Will you still be my friend if I take the Diva's belt from you?" I smirked.

"No, 'cause for that, you'd have to kill me." She shrugged.

"Such a shame having to kill the first girl I got as a friend." I pouted.

"I'd come back to haunt you." She smirked.

"C'mon, I watch Supernatural. I'd send you right back within seconds." I smirked as well.

"Fucking hell, you gotta be kiddin'!" She sat up quickly.

"What?" I sat up as well.

"You watch Supernatural?!"

"But of course I do!"

"Oh, my, God! Who's your favorite? No! Let me just guess! Dean!"

"How'd you know?!"

"C'mon, girl. He likes rock, he's sexy, beer in hands, that smirk and... Gee, he's perfect!"

"I know!"

"But not as much as Cass!" She folded her arms over her chest with a smirk.

"Oh, so you like an angel, uh?" I smirked. "Those blue eyes... What would I do to turn that angel into a little devil."

"Kate!" She slapped my arm playfully and laughed. "If your father hear you talking like that, he's gonna kill us!"

"I don't care!" I said, so we laughed and laid down again. "One guy I've had dreams about, also, was Ziggler." I confessed.

"Oh, woah, I got to kiss him in our storyline and let me tell you... Hot." She chuckled.

"See! I'm not the only pervert here!" I laughed.

"What I'm saying here is a secret. Who else?"

"Don't worry, I wouldn't tell anyone."

"What about Jon?" She smirked. "I'm serious tho, if you give him a chance..."

"Y'know, if I wasn't dating..." I smirked. "Do you really think I'd lose the chance to be with a psycho?"

"Nah!" She laughed. "I'd go for Seth, but he's not really a nice guy..."

"What about Punk?"

"The two of you would be a nice couple." She shrugged.

"No! I mean you and Punk."

"Nah, I don't know." She shook her head.

"C'mon, AJ, it'd be super cute! Besides, I wouldn't mind sharing." I winked playfully.

"I dunno, it's complicated. We're just friends."

"For now." I smirked.

"If you say so." She rolled her eyes.

We sat down to listen to some music and play on her laptop, when we remembered we had to work out. So I took some fresh clothes, then she took some as well, and we went to the gym. I guess we spent a couple of hours in there, then we drove right to the arena and took a shower in there.

I put on one of my Rammstein playlists to play while I showered.

"You've got a pussy, I got a dick. So what's the problem, let's do it quick!" I sang.

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