Chapter 29

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When I woke up next morning, I looked around my room. I had missed this place so much, and now it was pretty much true that I wasn't living there anymore. I knew that, since David wasn't coming to Florida, Hunter would probably let me visit now and then, but I knew that, with the crazy schedule, things would be hard. Dammit, why couldn't he just accept it?

With a sigh, I tried sitting up without waking Jon up, since he pretty much was still cuddling me, and after being successful in my quest, I silently grabbed some clothes and walked into shower. When I walked out, I woke Jon up, waited for him to take a shower as well and then we walked downstairs. I prepared a simple breakfast for us, and after David got downstairs too, we started eating.

The tree of us were in silence until we finished, and then David forced a smile.

"Ready to go? The guys are probably already there." He said.

"Sure." I nodded yes, standing up.

Jon took my coat and we walked to the car. After about five to ten minutes of awkward silence, we finally arrived. I gave a long look around as I got out of the car, taking a deep breath and feeling a knot in my chest.

"God, I never thought I'd see this place again." I chuckled.

"Good or bad?" Jon asked.

"Good." I shrugged. "Never liked school anyways. C'mon."

"They're at the gym's locker room." David said, pointing towards the way.

I nodded yes, making my way towards the locker, since I already knew it very well. Without exchanging no further words with David or Jon, I opened the door, feeling my heart pace up a bit, because I missed those guys a lot. Right away, I received a whole ice bucket on my head, hearing they yell a 'yeah!' as I froze in place. I heard their laughs and claps, so I wiped the water away from my eyes and stared at them. I felt a tiny bit of anger, but as I saw the looks on their faces, that quickly went away.

"If I didn't miss you so much, I'd kill each of you right now!" I yelled, and they laughed more and more, taking turns to hug me.

"Aren't those great friends?" Jon smiled, putting his coat around my shoulders as I smiled up at him.

"It's just the four of us for today, I'm sorry. Joshua, Tyler and Don are out of town. Trip to California." Mike said, after he hugged me.

"They carried on with the road trip without me?!" I gasped. "I planned the whole thing!" I chuckled.

"None of knew if you were coming back or not, so..." Lucas smiled awkwardly.

"I'm kidding." I slapped his arms playfully. "Josh asked me when I'd be back, so we could go. But I told him I wouldn't make it this time, so they decided to go. Why didn't you guys go too?"

"My parents didn't let me, Sam's girlfriend was mad he wouldn't take her, so he decided to stay, Lucas had to save the money 'cause he's going to college and Mike... Well, y'know."

"You're dumbass, dude, California is cool." I rolled my eyes at him. "What about Ted?"

"I don't like beach, that's all." Mike shrugged.

"I kinda been caught fucking the preacher's daughter in my room, so, I'm grounded." Ted chuckled.

"My, God, you're a pig." I laughed. "Congrats on the college thing, by the way." I smiled at Lucas, before looking up at Jon. "Anyways," I chuckled, "this is Jon, you know him as Dean Ambrose. He's from Ohio too, so he decided to tag along with me. Hope you guys don't mind." I smiled.

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