Chapter 33

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One by one, the guys ended up sleeping. The last one as Jon, and he played with my hair for a long time before he yawned, turned on his side, wrapped an arm around my waist and fell asleep. AJ was beside me, playing on her phone. I took mine from under the pillow and checked what time was it.

"It's taking years!" I whispered at her.

"I know, but we should be sleeping! Do you know that we'll be awake in less than 5 hours?" She whispered back at me, putting her phone under the pillow, as well as me.

"How am I supposed to-" I started, but as the door opened, the two of us closed our eyes, pretending to be sleeping. I wondered why was that, but as I heard a faint sigh and the door opening again, I opened my eyes. AJ had hers shut tight, so I reached for her hand and shook it slightly.

She looked at me before mouthing a 'go talk to him', so I looked up. Randy was taking his shirt off and sitting down on the couch.

"Randy?" I called.

He turned on a lamp behind him, and I saw a small smile on his lips.

"Sorry waking you up." He said softly, taking off his shoes.

Quietly and carefully, I took Jon's arms off of me and slid off the bed, walking up to him. He just stared at me with a small smile, before pulling me to his lap as I approached him.

"Gee, I look li-" I looked down at my feet, realizing how tall he was and I, so short.

"Don't say that." He whispered, kissing my temple. "I heard this enough tonight."

"What did Hunter say?" I asked, wrapping my arms around his neck, his forehead resting on my temple as he took a deep breath.

"A lot." He sighed. "Mostly, he doesn't want me to hurt you. But I kinda told him that it's very likely that I'll be the one getting hurt here." I could feel his smile against my cheek, before he pecked it softly.

"How would I hurt you, Mister Orton?"

"I'm don't know, I can't tell the future." He shrugged.

"What else did he say?"

"All the things you probably think he did. We were sitting in the bar, and he talked and talked about how many women I hurt, including Samantha, and that he knew I'd end up doing the same to you."

I was dying to ask him if what Hunter told me was really true, so I hesitated for a few seconds, silence feeling the whole room, and then I gathered some strength to do so.

"Is it true?"

"What?" He asked.

"What Hunter told me... You cheated on Sam."

Randy took a few seconds, before taking a deep breath and laying his back on the couch.

"Yes, I did. But I never loved her. She got pregnant and Vince and Hunter made me marry her. She knew everything; she knew I spent nights with fans on the road, strip clubs, everything... I never loved her."

"I always told myself those were only rumors, not the truth."

"Does it change what you feel for me?" He asked, looking at me, but I couldn't hold his gaze.

"Look... I... I've always been the one to tell people that if you do it once, you'll do it again, but..." I looked at him. "I feel deep inside that you're not gonna do this to me, and I know you're having a hard time accepting how close I am to those fuckers over there now, so..."

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