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In Bella's words: What the butt?!

So, first things first, thank you guys! Really. I spent a lot of time thinking about how to start this announcement, but words were practically nonexistent.

When I marked BF complete, it didn't have up to a thousand reads. I won't say I wasn't expecting anyone to read it because let's face it, if you share your work online, a part of you wants people to like it. I was young, I was an amateur writer, I had these big writing dreams. But one thing that has remained constant over the years is the fact that I enjoy sharing my work, and getting the opportunity to do that with you guys has been the best part of my orange app journey. So THANK YOU to every single one of you, whether you've been here since this book's first days (shoutout to everyone who witnessed the first covers), or you found my corner yesterday. I appreciate all of you.

After this book got an influx of readers, a lot of you messaged me about whether or not there will be a continuation, mostly because of the open ending and some unresolved subplots, and I gave most of you vague answers because back then I was still trying to sort things out, get a hang of them, etcetera. Even though I feel like BF's ending is perfect as it is, I feel much more comfortable now to let you guys know that A SEQUEL IS COMING!!

It's been over a year of me sitting on this news, so it's both relieving and exciting to finally tell you guys.

Now, onto the fun part. What is this sequel about?

It took a while for me to reach this decision, but the second book will not have Bella as the main character. She's still gonna be in it, still gonna be in focus, and the story is gonna revolve around her, but for the sake of continuity, another character gets the spotlight (bonus points if you can guess who *wink wink*). And you can expect more summer shenanigans, more romance (friends to lovers, anyone?) and consequently, more ships, girl gangs, internet drama, and of course, ✨cyberbullies✨. The stakes are higher, the romance is hotter, we get to see much more relevant topics, the characters are growing up, some are leaving for college soon . . .

I'm excited!

For now, I don't know when it will hit Wattpad, but it's in the works, so you can stalk my page or my IG (@ is the same as on here) for updates. If you have any questions you'd like to ask, feel free to drop them here >

In the meantime, you can check out our playlist. Link in inline comment!

Hopefully I see you guys in book 2 when it drops!

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Hopefully I see you guys in book 2 when it drops!


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