19 ☆ Heart-2-Heart

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I wish I was there to see her face after she got the text. What joy it would've given me! It feels so good to finally do that.

P.S. I finally got my HalloWiener ticket! It costs a dollar, and I got two, one for a very special person.

 I finally got my HalloWiener ticket! It costs a dollar, and I got two, one for a very special person

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It was official—Bella was being watched.

She stayed up late trying to come up with the meaning of YWN, but, after her effort was beautifully crowned useless, she came up with a suspect: Cody. It couldn't have been anyone but him. The way his text interrupted her and Beau, the way the text from an unknown number came in immediately she shut the door of her house... all of it was too, too perfect to be a coincidence. She wouldn't put it past Cody to track her phone or hire someone to watch her from a corner, and it was probably a Halloween-inspired prank aimed to scare the crap out of her.

But the question was, how did he know she would be with Beau?

She mentally grunted, then figured she shouldn't be overthinking something like that in Honors Math. She looked up from her textbook, not paying attention to what Mr. Dylan was saying. Nothing that man said sounded interesting. Even if he was talking about a viral video on YouTube, he would still manage to make a person yawn a thousand times a second.

She distracted herself by staring at the back of Jake's head. His head bobbed up and down a few times, a sign that he understood what the teacher was saying. He had become Viola's new friend after replacing Stephanie, and Bella knew it wasn't his fault, but she couldn't help but resent his arrival. If he hadn't come, she would've found a way to talk to Viola, but, since he was, her ex-best friend would probably stop noticing she was alive in no time.

When the bell rang, signaling the end of class, Bella almost jumped out of her seat and did a happy dance, and she would've, if not for the scowl Mr. Dylan suddenly sent in her direction. He hadn't looked at her all period so what now?

She slid down her chair, wanting to escape those eyes that said, "I know what you did."

The honors math teacher finally turned to his desk and she sighed in relief, after which she gathered her books. But life is never fair, even to those who deserve it.

"Belinda Kimberly Quincy," Mr. Dylan called in an excited voice, and Jake turned to her for a brief second. Bella already dreaded what the thirty-something-year-old teacher was about to say. "Can I talk to you for just a little second?"

Oh, glamberry pie!

Bella then became a sloth on purpose. She took her books, then her backpack, moving like she had all the time in the world. Her lazy and sorry self finally made it to Mr. Dylan, and she immediately put on a grin that was supposed to look flirty, but ended up making her look like there was an ice pack in her top.

"Hey, Mr. D."

"That's not working on me," he said, turning to face her. "You weren't in class yesterday. May I ask why?"

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