34 ☆ Gossip Girls

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Pietra Tiorano

Subject: Tagged on Twitter

Hey, Bella! Got your email address from Insta. I'm so happy about our encounter yesterday. Have you checked your Twitter? I just wanted to say hi and let you know how awesome I think you are. Don't let anyone drag you down.


Wyland High School

Subject: Hot News

Travon Justice, who virtually everyone at WHS thinks is perfect, is actually messed up. Dropping grades (and he's 'coding club' captain?) + separated parents (personally I saw this one coming. Have you seen that family?) + a WHOLE lot of weed... and maybe (probably) the harder stuff too = a terrible recipe.

Wyland female population, what do you think now?

Wyland female population, what do you think now?

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Bella was livid.

Enduring the tension-filled ride to school with someone's secrets making the laptop in her lap heavier, somehow, was one of the hardest things she had ever done.

She received two emails that morning. One from Pietra and the other from her school—which she now understood was just a cover, because the school's system was obviously hacked.

Her blood was boiling in a way it had never done before. She wasn't sure who exactly she was mad at—maybe at herself for not understanding and stopping Cody from hurting Travon when he had so much on the line, maybe at Cody for being too much, or maybe even at Beau for reacting—but she knew she was mad.

Cody's look of disbelief as he walked to the car that morning with his phone clutched tightly in his hand added fuel to the starting fire in her.

What right did he have to look like that? He should've been happy.

Throughout the ride, neither of them spoke, but, immediately Cody parked the car in the school's parking lot and got out, Bella followed quickly, determined to address some issues.

He didn't lock the car and was already heading to the entrance, so she tapped on his arm to get his attention.

Around them, students were glued to their phones, devouring everything Wyland had offered them that morning, and the whispers of their thoughts made the school seem even busier than when the Teen Stars had been there.

"Hey," she angrily called, and he turned to her.

"What is it?"

She folded her arms over her chest, her defensive stance, then said, "I know I didn't say anything about this, but why did you hurt Travon, Cody?"

Cody smiled, almost making Bella want to punch the look off his face. She didn't know her brother could be such a jerk. "I think it's too late for you to ask that question, Bella."

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