36 ☆ How I Feel

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Beau and Ashton fought. Pretty intensely, if you ask me. Ashton hurt Beau pretty badly, too. What do you think caused it? I'll give you a hint—Y-O-U! Why? That's left for you to figure out. Remain on social media and it'll only make things worse, BELLE (that's what your sweetheart calls you, isn't it? Too bad you're not on good terms).

 Remain on social media and it'll only make things worse, BELLE (that's what your sweetheart calls you, isn't it? Too bad you're not on good terms)

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As Bella sliced her sandwich diagonally at the kitchen counter the next morning, her mind could only bring up a sentence.

More than a week.

That was how long it had been since she had a proper conversation with Beau. She had seen him around school the previous day, after the fight with Ashton—first, exiting the nurse's office with an ice pack and a Band-Aid over a spot on the side of his head, then in the library, where she thought she could relax and refresh her email—but they were as good as strangers.

She could hear Maggie-Lyn's humming from her bathroom upstairs, and, though it was excruciatingly disturbing, it offered a weird kind of comfort; the comfort only family could offer.

Bella was recalling how much it had hurt when she realized, just the previous night, that Beau was purposefully ignoring her, when Cody walked into the kitchen, looking into his phone.

"Hey, Beau wants to talk to you—" He froze when he saw her still in her pajamas. "You're not ready? I have an English essay to turn in before eight. What are you doing?" He was apparently talking to her again.

"Maggie-Lyn's in the bathroom and I was hungry. Want the remaining half of my sandwich?" she answered with a bored voice, then took a bite of the sandwich half in her hand.

"Why the heck would you let her in there first on a school day? Use Adele's bathroom or something. Ashton's waiting outside."

A sour taste filled her mouth when she recalled what Ashton had said about Fleur the day before. "Well, in that case, I think you should go without me. I do not want to be anywhere near Ashton right now."

She heard the front door open and didn't need to peek to know who was coming in.

"Seriously?" Cody said. "You know, Beau hit him, too. The guy broke his nose."

"He deserved it. Beau should've broken one of his arms and both his legs. Did you hear what he said about his sister? That was disgusting."

Cody ran a hand over his face, and a voice came from the kitchen entrance.

"Have something to say to me, Bella?"

Bella looked at Ashton—who was leaning casually against the kitchen entrance—distastefully.


"I thought so. Better to run your mouth behind my back than to my face."

"Right," she mumbled, "get even douchier, if that's a word."

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