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To: michellehenshaw@gmail.com

From: quincyb@gmail.com

Subject: Consideration for The Teen Stars Program

Dear Michelle Henshaw,

I'm Belinda Quincy from Los Angeles. I'm 15 and very interested in The Teen Stars Program.

I've been blogging for two years now, and both my blog and YouTube channel are doing great. I won the 'Are You a Math Whiz?' competition in 2018, and I'd really love a chance in your program.

It's been my dream for years now, and the way you transform lives is really amazing.

I'd love to hear from you soon.

Sincerely, Belinda Quincy.

"Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God!" Viola ran into school, chanting the 'Oh my God!' mantra

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"Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God!" Viola ran into school, chanting the 'Oh my God!' mantra.

She didn't take a ride with Bella because she overslept. The weekend was super gritty, and she hardly got any sleep. The bags under her eyes were a testament to her sleepless and crying-filled nights. Life had not been fair to her lately. It had been really, really dark, and she hated it.

She hated feeling like she was a bad luck magnet—like she had been left out on the universe's blessings.

She turned the corner that led to the lockers and, instead of getting a free runway, bumped really hard into someone, so hard, the person fell.

See! Bad luck. On Monday, it was Amora. Today, it was Amparo Cotton. The girl gathered the skirt of her dress, then looked up, screwing her face.

"Are you mad?!" she screamed, gaining some attention.

"I am so sorry. I didn't know you were there." Viola stretched her right hand to her, to help her up, but Amparo slapped the hand away with her perfectly manicured one.

She stood, rubbed her palms together to get dirt off, then cleaned her white dress, which was a bit longer at the back.

"I'm sorry," Viola said again. but the girl lifted a palm to shut her up.

"Don't you even dare give me that 'I'm sorry' crap. Do you have any idea how much this dress costs? Now it's wrinkled and dirty."

Geez! Just because she was pushed?

"Look, I'm really sorry, but I have to go." She attempted to walk past her, but Amparo stepped in her way, then pushed her back.

Viola's tiredness made her stumble more than necessary.

"You wanna walk out on me?"

"What else do you want me to do? I already apologized."

"How about you pay for pushing me down?"

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