0 ☆ Big Enchilada

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Beach parties were common occurrences for Belinda Quincy in the summer

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Beach parties were common occurrences for Belinda Quincy in the summer. So common, that if it didn't happen, it would be equivalent to the end of the world. Okay, maybe a little overdramatic, but it was important. Both to her family and her friends.

"All right, here we are," her mom said as the car stopped, and she finally looked up from her phone. She had been checking her Instagram. "Cody, grab the things from the trunk for me, and, Bella, carry your own stuff."

Bella looked beside her on the back seat and cringed at the number of Minnie Mouse bags. What was she thinking? It was just barely four hours at the beach. She turned to her older brother, Cody, who was already getting out of the passenger seat, and smiled.

"My favorite big bro," she said in an effort to appease him, because Dios mío, Cody had an ego bigger than the Grand Canyon.

"I'm your only big bro. And in case you forgot, I'm also your only brother," he replied, shutting the door, and Bella got out too, still with her phone.

"Come on, Cody. Please help me. I'll give you anything you want," she pleaded, pouting and putting her hands together, minding the phone in her hand.

"Well, you don't have anything important." He walked to the back of the car and opened the trunk. "By the way, we're late because of you."

"I was getting ready... and I didn't even bring everything I need," she said, mentally hoping her baby sister charm would work. Why did he have to be like that? There were people who would go as far as the bottom of Siberia to please her. For God's sake, she had a million fans from all over the world.

Since he needed constant buttering, she said, "Please. You're the best brother in the world—"

"If you need help," he interrupted, taking a large basket out, "take my phone and call either of my friends. They'll be here in a flash."

Okay, no. "What the butt?!"

"Then carry them yourself."

"I hate you." She turned back to the car and proceeded to figure out how to get the bags to their destination at once.

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