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Pietra Tiorano
Teen Star musician. Formerly just a crazy cat girl. Still am.                                       
Joined June 2019

Location  LA, California
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With the Pietra Tiorano thing going on, Bella didn't think her day could get any worse, but as it seemed, it could

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With the Pietra Tiorano thing going on, Bella didn't think her day could get any worse, but as it seemed, it could.

Viola had betrayed her. So much that no other betrayal could be greater—so she thought.

She stormed out of the cafeteria after giving her best friend an incredulous look, then walked down the hallway, fists balled at her sides. Footsteps followed behind her, but she wasn't interested in knowing who it was. She just wanted to be mad and throw tantrums like a three-year-old who didn't get what she wanted.

The footsteps got closer and, before she could mentally agree to not look over her shoulder, a hand grabbed her wrist and spun her around. Immediately, she went face-to-face with Beau.

Her breath caught in her throat at how close their faces were, then, as if given a slap that delivered composure to her brain, she twisted her hand out of his grip and took a step back. "What?" she snapped.

"What's wrong?"

"None of your business."

"Maybe, but I'm really serious about knowing this time. It's about your friend, isn't it?"

She folded her arms across her chest. "Oh, so you were watching us?"

"I wasn't watching you. You were in my line of sight, and every time I looked up, I saw you guys."

"Hmph. Yeah, right." She turned to leave, but his voice stopped her.

"If you don't want to tell me everything, at least give me a hint. I'm sure I can be of help. A problem shared is a problem half solved." She turned to face him. "Look, I know whatever's going on is bothering you--"

"Bothering who? Me. Me, not you. Leave me alone." It was partly his fault anyway. She spun around to leave again, but he grabbed her arm, and gently lead her to the wall, where he forced her to lean.

He stood directly in front of her. "Chill, Bella. You're right—it's none of my business—but I can't act like I don't care. It's not that easy."

"And why not?"

"I don't know. It's just hard." She didn't say anything, so he continued, "So can you tell me why one minute you're smiling, and the next you're sad and you have this look in your eyes that kills me? I'm ready to listen." Involuntarily, his hand lifted to lightly stroke the side of her face, but the gesture ended just as quickly as it began. "And, before you begin, please take it easy on my ego this time."

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