24 ☆ Just a Date

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I know you probably hate me after reading this and, trust me, I understand how you feel. I'm sorry about what I did. I know my reasons aren't forgiveable, but I'm sorry for using you the way I did. I hope you forgive me, but I also won't blame you if you hate me forever.

You Know Who It Is.

The next day, when Bella got to school and spotted Beau in the hallway, she walked up to him and hugged him for the first time

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The next day, when Bella got to school and spotted Beau in the hallway, she walked up to him and hugged him for the first time.

He seemed surprised at first, but eventually wrapped his arms around her. The hug was warm, a deviation from the cool morning, and Bella shut her eyes for a few seconds and enjoyed the warmth of the embrace.

When she pulled away, she smiled. "Hi."

Beau returned the smile. "Hi."

They stood there, smiling at each other, not knowing what to say for a while.

What are you doing? You have a date in less than ten hours... and not with the boy you're having googly eyes for right now.

Bella felt a bit sad at the thought and really looked at Beau. She seemed to notice everything about him at that moment; the way his hair was swept back, away from his brown eyes, the way his lips were curled up in that smile she loved, the way he looked at her.

What was she doing? Why did she accept to go out with Travon when she couldn't stop feeling this way about Beau?

He finally broke the silence. "I have something for you."

"Really, what?"

He took his backpack off, then unzipped it. Bella watched silently as he reached into it, wondering what he had for her. When he retrieved his hand, she laughed.

"Happy Halloween," he said, holding up a HalloWiener ticket.

"Wow! I never even thought about getting a ticket." She took it from him and held it close to her chest, swaying from left to right like a kid. "Thank you."

He playfully flicked her nose and, though it was such a simple gesture, it did something to her. "You're welcome. So what are you dressing up as? I guess we're back to being six again."

Her costume was supposed to be a cowgirl one, but that was unlikely now since her and Viola weren't exactly friends at the moment. She pretended to zip her lips shut. "It's a secret."



"Well, I can't wait to see what it is. I'll pick you up Halloween night."

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