46 ☆ Truths

640 113 65

Michelle Henshaw

Dear Belinda Quincy,

I apologize for the delay in reply to your email, which was lost in our system for some mysterious reason. Even though Teen Stars season is over, I'm happy to invite you onboard. I was thinking we could arrange a meeting at a café downtown. You're a person of interest, and that's why I'm privately sending you this email. I'm looking forward to your reply!

Amora Belle wasn't one to be afraid, but tonight, fear and her had become acquaintances

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Amora Belle wasn't one to be afraid, but tonight, fear and her had become acquaintances. It was quite fitting, actually, considering she had never done anything so adrenaline-pumping in her life. But, with the way things turned out, she was yet to decide if the pounding in her chest was as a result of her running, or something else entirely.

Her breathing came out in short gasps as she reached a tent that sheltered the guests for the festival, but it stopped when her eyes fell on the person lingering beside it.

When she was close enough, she saw their posture stiffen, and before she could start thinking of an explanation for her mess up, they closed the distance.

Viola DelMane stared at her for a moment. "I hope you have the thumb drive," she finally said, her eyes searching Amora's, and Amora cringed at the intensity of her gaze.

"I don't," she replied, her voice low and weak. She hated knowing that she wasn't in control of things—especially things she was supposed to be in charge of—which was why she accepted this alliance with Viola in the first place. She just wanted to have one more person she could control.

But Viola, as she'd come to realize, was a silent killer—she pulled the strings well, and it was hard to decipher her intentions. She was messed up. Anyone who could act that well and even sacrifice something as delicate as the news of their dad's death wasn't completely okay in the head.

"But I lost it," Amora added.

Viola looked relieved, an expression that surprised Amora. Just like every other outwardly strong person, Viola had cracks, and, sometimes, the emotions that showed through those cracks were even more intense than what Amora was expecting. Since they officially met as Internet friends, Viola had been so serious about the plan, so why was she looking so relieved?

"That's better," Viola said with a sigh, then walked past Amora so casually, it took her by surprise.

"Wait," Amora called, turning to her retreating figure. "That's it?"

Viola looked at her, unsmiling. "That's it. I think we've both gotten what we wanted."


"Let it be, Amora. Look at us—we're miserable. And I know at first I was in support of this, but now I just feel dirty. We've ruined her life, Amora."

"Isn't that what you wanted?" Amora's voice was angry and suddenly loud. She couldn't believe this.

"No," Viola shouted back, tears pricking at her eyes. "I wasn't thinking, okay? I was just angry and frustrated, I wasn't thinking. I just wanted to get back at her for everything, but it wasn't her fault. I just had my own issues, and I was unwilling to accept them. We'll keep this a secret, but we'll stop, too. I can't continue this."

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