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Teenagers all over the world. Yes, you guys! Submissions for enrollment considerations in The Teen Stars Program are still open. Closing date is on Saturday, August 31st, 2019 by 11:59PM Pacific Standard Time. You can enter easily and much more faster by filling out the form available on the website, or by sending an email to the founder and CEO's business email michellehenshaw@gmail.com. Link to our website in bio!

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Oh biscuits!

Why on earth did she not have a black hoodie? Pink, yes. Other bright colors, yes. But black?

Why wasn't the universe supporting her in her plan to sneak out? It was a Friday night for God's sake, how could she stay at home?

She let out a frustrated sigh, then turned away from her closet to her messy bed. Various colored hoodies were piled on each other. Fine! She'd just stick with the ones she had.

She grabbed the bubblegum pink one with a fake batch on the top left side of the chest, saying, Fashion Police, and threw it over her white top. Her phone went into the back pocket of her denim pants, then she pulled the hood over her head.

Looking at her bed, she scrunched her nose. The mess was annoying.

"Oh, I'll just deal with you later," she said, then locked her door, before walking to the window.

She pushed the lower part up, then squeezed through the small space. It hurt, and she let out a low "Ow" when her head hit the glass. When she managed to get out, she balanced on the windowsill so she could shut the window.

Her heartbeat picked up pace when she saw the distance between her white low tops and the grass. Trying hard not to fall off the not-so-narrow windowsill, she gripped the walls on either side of her, then whispered, "It's for the adventure, Bella."

Shutting her eyes tightly, she braced herself, then jumped, silently praying that wouldn't be her last moment on earth.

Honestly, even if you asked her, she couldn't say why she was being so bad all of a sudden. But, hey, who cared? Actually, she did, because she almost—emphasis on almost—died here. Caring was her job.

She hit the grass with a thud and let out a more painful "Ow." Laying there, not sure when she'd suck the pain in and get up—or if she had shattered more bones than she could count—she felt the erratic beating of her heart against the grass. The thrill finally came, and that was when it hit her.

She had snuck out! But... parmesan! She didn't take a hashtag 'good being bad' selfie.

A gasp suddenly escaped her, and she pushed herself up, then stayed on her knees. "Oh my God, my phone!" She stayed in that position for a few seconds, before getting the courage to check on her phone.

If it broke, she'd find a way to sneak back into her room, then jump down that window again and again until she literally broke a leg.

She took the phone out of her pocket, then inspected it, sighing in relief when she saw that there wasn't a scratch.

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