30 ☆ Best Frenemies

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This time, I really have a valid reason for being away. Let's all, wherever we are, honor the life of the dad of my best friend, Viola DelMane (@ViolaDelM). He died three days ago from lung cancer and I was in a terrible mood, so I hope you all understand. May his soul rest in peace.

That weekend was the most boring weekend in the history of boring weekends

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That weekend was the most boring weekend in the history of boring weekends. Bella stayed away from social media, sugar, and even TV.

The ache she felt from not having a phone to hold and call hers was unbelievable, and Cody refused to talk to her. She tried so many times to bring up a conversation with him, but he just looked away, uninterested. It stung to know that he was right about Travon but she was too stubborn to believe him.

The only time she interacted with someone on her laptop was on Saturday night, when Maggie-Lyn gave her a video-call. She wanted her opinion on two dresses she chose for girls' night—one knee length and bright yellow, and the other short, floral and bouncy.

"Which one literally says free-spirited and sophisticated?" she asked, holding up the two dresses by their hangers. "I have a cute belt that would literally go amazingly with this floral one, but there's this literally gorgeous pair of flats I got last week, and I've literally been dying to put it on. It's literally perfect with this yellow one."

Bella was distant as she listened to her cousin drone on and on about the love triangle she was in with her dresses, and Maggie-Lyn eventually noticed she wasn't paying complete attention. She put the dresses away, then sat cross-legged on her bed, closer to her laptop.

"Bella, are you, like, literally okay?" she asked, and Bella bit on her bottom lip and focused on the sparkly I'm Fabulous on the front of Maggie-Lyn's hot pink tank top.

She didn't want to talk about boys with her, so she said, "I'm fine. Ay-okay! I think you should go with the floral dress. The belt sounds great."

Maggie-Lyn gave her a look, but didn't push it, thankfully to Bella's benefit. She was mad at Travon, but didn't want to talk about him, scared she would stress eat if she did. Beau was on her mind, too; she kept wondering if he had seen the video.

Her weekend was pretty much uneventful. She even curled her hair to kill time, then immediately straightened it. Her hair hadn't looked that straight since Adele left for college.

On Monday morning, she had just walked out of Honors Math when Viola approached her with a deadly look on her face and a certain purpose in her steps.

Bella was already mentally coming up with what to say, but stopped at Hey, Viola when her ex-best friend got to her and, without missing a beat, slapped her hard across the face.

The force of it sent her head to the side, and she tasted copper almost immediately.

"How could you?" Viola cried, and Bella turned to her, pushing her hair back. One side of her lower lip stung and she didn't need a genius to tell her it was bleeding.

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