10 ☆ Viral

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Figured 'til you got your phone back, we could do this the old fashioned way. Just slip your note into my locker, telling me you got this, and I'll get back to you, okay? Have a super day!

P.S. I think you're my good luck charm. I solved a calculus equation (differentiation) by myself and got it right on the first try ;)

Almost everyone Bella walked past that morning gushed the sentence, "Did you see the video?", placing emphasy on 'the video' like it was something you should be thrown off the planet for if you didn't know about it

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Almost everyone Bella walked past that morning gushed the sentence, "Did you see the video?", placing emphasy on 'the video' like it was something you should be thrown off the planet for if you didn't know about it.

It unnerved her.

There was a video everyone was obviously very interested in and she had no idea what it was about. Her! She usually knew everything that happened on the Internet—everything being a bit of an overstatement, but she knew a lot of Internet things.

Why did her mom pick the previous weekend of all weekends to take away her phone? And why did it seem like she was being stared at? Was the video about her? No, no. It wasn't. She was just paranoid. It was the chocolate chip cookies from Sunday that was making her feel that way. Definitely.

She sat by the stairs that didn't lead anywhere, in the main hallway of school, staring hopelessly ahead. The stairs were more of a decorative feature than a useful one. They were built against the wall, with fancy railing, like it was supposed to lead somewhere. Sometimes she imagined it leading to a secret room or something like that, but knew it was the result of watching too much Harry Potter. Students just sat on them when they had nothing of much importance to do, taking advantage of the width.

A pathetic-sounding sigh escaped her, and she placed her palms together, putting them in her lap. Her feet tapped nervously against the floor, and her fingers itched. She needed to stop thinking about her phone; she needed to stop imagining what it would've been like to have it in her hands. She needed a distraction.

Just as she thought about it, a voice came from behind her, high-pitched and melodic. "Thank goodness you're here. What's up with Fashionella?"

At the mention of her channel, she looked over her shoulder. Jessica Lupinacci descended the stairs, then went to stand in front of her.

Her red Parrots T-shirt looked like it was specially made for her, and the natural white streak in her blonde hair made her more fascinating than Bella remembered. They weren't really friends, but once in a while, Jessica stopped by her locker, and they engaged in small talk. It had been a while, though.

"Hey, Jess," Bella said, giving her a small smile.

"Before I say hey back, you have to answer my question. Really, you didn't like any tweet, retweet anything all weekend, post any video, or react to your photo. Why is that?"

Bella FashionellaWhere stories live. Discover now